I was a Proud West New Britain once again on Saturday marching - TopicsExpress


I was a Proud West New Britain once again on Saturday marching with my athletes and officials, code coordinators, the support staff and everyone who made TEAM WNB in the St. Ignasius Kilage Stadium in Lae for the Closing Ceremony, leading the other 21 Provinces and receiving the PNG Games Ceremonial Flag from Morobe Governor, Hon. Kelly Naru. I believe that though we do not have the capacity, the necessary sporting infrastructures, facilities etc. to host the games, we do possess the perfect recipe to deliver a successful 2016 PNG Grassroots Games and that is determination, compelling desire and the iron willpower to make it happen. We will make sure we work tirelessly to prove all the negative critics wrong, we wont sit but will take effective action in capturing sporting facilities & infrastructural projects in the 2015 Provincial Budget. Despite all the negativity, we will focus on the bright side and take all the criticism as constructive criticism and as a challenge for us to ensure we rise above it all and shine like the Champions that we are. I believe the National Government will definitely step in to support sports facilities in the Province if we counterpart fund them even though there were no allocations for Sporting facilities in the 2015 National Budget. I salute the Morobe Governor Hon. Kelly Naru for hosting a successful 6th PNG Games and embracing and looking after the entire countrys athletes in the last two (2) weeks. I also am grateful and thankful for all the athletes who represented WNB during the Games and yes though I cannot recall all the names, I acknowledge the Paralympic team for their outstanding performance which got us most of the Medals. If they can do it, what is stopping us, able people to do it? You all have truly gone against all odds and proven to all that you can reach the impossible. Tartigi Sesele tamotou tomi... And for all the other sporting codes that got us Gold, Silver or Bronze, Soccer Girls, Touch Womens, Volleyball Women, Touch Mix Team, all the athletes who took part in the individual sports such as Body Building, Karate, Kick boxing, boxing etc and got us Medals & those who took part in the games...I am truly in high appreciation for all your efforts and I admire your determination in doing your personal best and achieving your dreams in standing for what you believe as individuals despite the fact that there were no proper training facilities available but for you, but to have gone that far is amazing. You are champions and I salute you! For all those people behind the scene who have worked tirelessly and have contributed to the success of our team in one way or another. Tartigi Sesele. I believe the 7th PNG Games H.O.C Chairman, Mr. Dominic Kaumu is already getting the ball rolling in preparation for our mission ahead. Together we will stand and work towards a successful 2016 Grassroots Games in our beautiful Province. Let us all join hands and ensure PNG will be culturally baptized with the Trupla Pasin West come 2016...La Paga Malele!!! GOD BLESS WEST NEW BRITIAN hugs Sasi
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:44:18 +0000

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