I was a happy person at military modelling until two days ago. I - TopicsExpress


I was a happy person at military modelling until two days ago. I recently spent about £250 on a Badger Compressor, Aztek Pro 470 Airbrush and a range of accessories. To start with I decided to try painting the base coat on an Airfix Pontoon Bridge. Stupidly I selected Humbrol 83 when 86 was called for. The first day I thinned 75/50 then 50/50 water to paint and struggled with the correct nozzle tightness and the roller setting. I got some paint on the model but went through too much wetness and runs and then no paint so I practised cleaning out the nozzle. I got going with the thicker mix but again ran into no paint so cleaned the nozzle and got very upset and put it all away wondering if the airbrush was ok. I re-read the instructions and watched the DVD. Today I mixed 50/50 and used Humbrol Acrylic Thinners. I set up more carefully and at first made some quite good progress and got quite abit of paint on the model and a bettter result than the day before. Decided to reach for my face mask due to the clouds of mist coming back on me, only gone a moment, came back, got abit more paint on the model and then again the darn thing clogged up. Tried a quick clean by putting through some thinners. No go. Time up so cleaned nozzle with acrylic airbrush cleaner. Still took abit of effort before it was spraying again ok with water. Realised colour selection wrong. It will be just ok though to cover it over. These things happen. Also I used spray primer for the first time on the bridge. I had meant to use it on soldiers and not bother with primer but again no big problem as I spotted and corrected some faults. Coverage was good but the can was soon empty and the fumes were pretty awful and I got a headache even though I used a respirator so I decided not to buy any more cans. I am no longer enjoying my modelling sessions and regretting the investment in an airbrush and compressor but I really wanted to be able to use one. I could select a second Airbrush model but had hoped the Aztek would be the only one I need with its selection of nozzles and paint cups. I was using a high coverage white acrylic nozzle. I also notice that the Acrylic Thinner renders the paint glossy. I stirred the mix fairly well but perhaps more was needed. So it looks like my compressor and airbrush might be for sale. I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong with either item and that Azteks are just a swine to use, especially for a beginner like me. I find the whole set up time consuming and messy compared to conventional brush work. I have severe CFS with multiple chemical sensitivity which does not help. When I psoted that I had got this exuipment another modeller mentioned that he had gone through hell with them and deselected them for any other make. Best to spread the word maybe that Aztek dont seem to user friendly although expert top modellers get great results.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 14:01:47 +0000

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