I was a little surprised to receive a text from Neil yesterday. - TopicsExpress


I was a little surprised to receive a text from Neil yesterday. One of his biggest challenges right now is using his hands. So the good news is, it looks like Neil is continuing to progress every minute. The bad news is, Neil Moss can text now. His text just asked if Id be coming to the hospital that night (last night) and I told him I would be, but I didnt give him a time. So when I showed up, he wasnt expecting me that minute, and I caught him a little off guard. He was a little embarrassed when I walked in. I found him in his room, sitting in his wheel chair, playing with something in his lap. When I asked him what it was, he told me it was a key chain one of his friends brought him. But this wasnt just any key chain. It has 5 different audio settings of Mr. T isms, which for some reason (as trite as Mr. T quotes are) was funny as shit. I think it was the context. If Id run across one of those things in a store, it probably wouldnt crack me up. But to walk up on Neils skinny ass, listening to it from his wheelchair, cracking himself up in private, was priceless. Later, when I was playing with it, Neil got all mad at me because he thought I was inconsiderate to disturb his roommate on the other side of the curtain. So I suppose his roommate cant hear Mr. T when Neil is playing with it??? Finally, we decided to go out in the hallway with it, to respect his roommates privacy. Then we went through Neils phone and prank called several of his friends, filling up voice mails with Dont make me mad. Arrrrrgh., Quit your jibber jabber., and Dont give me no back talk, Sucka. I damned near wet my pants until I was slapped with the reality that Im 40 years old, Neil is 44, and this is how we get our entertainment??? Later, we took another little field trip to the parking lot and ended up getting into a tiff. Neil called me an asshole, and he meant it. Things are getting more and more normal every day:)
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:16:00 +0000

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