I was a student at Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School, dont try and - TopicsExpress


I was a student at Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School, dont try and guess who I am bcuz u will not get it. I faced all sorts of bullying while in that school. I faced verbal and cyber bulling I even listened to rumors said about me, lies that ppl made up about me. A lot of ppl face or even hear these lies or even make them up. Ppl are bullied throughout the world, but the bullies dont just start in high school, they start in elementary school too. Males and females are victims, the saying you know my name. Not my story. You see my smile. Not my pain. You notice my cuts. Not my scars. You can read my lips. Not my mind. is so true bcuz ppl can know your name they can see your smile, your cuts, and they can read your lips, but they dont and cant see past that. Ppl are bullied bcuz they arent rich, bcuz they dont wear name brand clothes, bcuz of the neighborhood they come from, bcuz of the way they act, or even bcuz of the way they talk. Ppl are bullied for many different reasons, I know of a girl who was bullied. She had a very bad yeast infection and didnt know it until her Dr told her and everyone bullied her and spread the rumor that she didnt wash even though she did. You dont what a person faces bhind closed doors so instead of bullying them stand up and say STOP IT!! We all face different things maybe they lost a parent through death or through divorce, they lost their best friend in some way, they lost a sibling through cancer or something, they were/are abused at home. We all have problems to deal with, but bullying others are not going to change or even make those problems disappear. Everything I just explained about what could be happening bhind closed doors is what I faced and thats just part of my story. Like I said, and Ill say it again, nobody knows what others face on a daily basis or what happens in their home so stop bullying each other and stand together and take a stand against bullying. I remember that the JROTC made a poster type thing that said Stomp out bullying we all need to stand together and stop bullying. It all can start with just one person!! Watch this video you may just understand how the victims might feel and you can make it better for them. Take the stand ppl all over the world can make the change, but it has to start somewhere so why dont we start it here. Where ever you are take the stand against bullying and it dont matter if its in school, your neighborhood or even at a friends house. Take the stand and stop bullying. If you dont listen to anything I say, I at least hope you listen just this once. YOU ARE LOVED BY A GREATER POWER! WE CALL HIM GOD AND HE LOVES YOU!! THOSE WHO BULLY, WILL FACE THEIR JUDGMENT WHEN ITS TIME! GOD LOVES YOU AND HE IS GREATER THAN ALL YOUR PROBLEMS!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 22:20:28 +0000

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