I was a supporter of FreedomWorks and actually contributed money - TopicsExpress


I was a supporter of FreedomWorks and actually contributed money to them. The key word is was. There is a sickness in the party. It is about 20% of the party but it is enough to sway elections. Why do I use the words former supporter? The following words used by this 20% is why- McCain is a Turd, traitor, enemy of the Constitution. Markwayne Mullin is not pro life, abusive to his constituents, he is not there for the people of 2nd district....he is there for himself. Steve Long, reporter for the Red Dirt Report, Id certainly take Randy over Lurch or Webster. (describing Lankford and T.W. Shannon). Their opponents are often compared to fascists, RINOs, comparisons to Benedict Arnold, Hitler, Stalin (yes, and this from one running for Senate in our own state) and I could go on for hours. The majority of the party is turning the Tea Party off because of the hateful rhetoric and personal attacks being thrown against people they actually agree with more than disagree. Of all people I thought would lose, Thad Cochran in Mississippi actually won and the opposition still wont concede defeat. They are all upset because Cochran expanded the party and persuaded Democrats to vote for him. They are mad about that? There are still more registered Democrats than Republicans in this state and independents are a growing part of the state (45.6 Democrats, 42.5 GOP, 12% independents). That means the majority in this state do not associate themselves with the GOP. This means the party should be appealing to more than just our own. However the Tea Party Patriots FreedomWorks and their supporters just dont get that. Rep. James Lankford won in our own state against the Tea Party favorite T.W. Shannon. Newsflash people-the Angry White guy thing is wearing very thin. Time to start motivating people with positive ideas rather than hate. Talk Radio hosts (e.g. Laura Ingraham, Mike Levine), and political pundits like Sarah Palin are not the true Conservatives and they are not my Cherokee County Republican Party-Oklahoma. Talk to us about your ideas that can unite all people and not your purist ideas that just divide the party. I dont care about your proof that Obama was really born in Kenya. I am not interested in talking about impeachment. Dont lecture us like you are the authority on the Constitution, even if you can tie your lineage back to one of the Sons of Liberty. Give us positive ideas of liberty and economic freedom that are good for all people not just a select few. Talk to us like neighbors, brothers, and walk in love and kindness. Stop yelling. We need to show our neighbors how conservative small government values are good for people not just for party.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:03:46 +0000

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