I was a victim of this over prescribed Narcotics disaster myself. - TopicsExpress


I was a victim of this over prescribed Narcotics disaster myself. At my worst I was taking 8-13 80mg Oxycontin plus 5-7 30mg Percocets a day. I did a short stay in rehab. I havent touched it since. While in rehab we were in a group talking about the worst of our habits. Talking about how much a person took a day to maintain their habit. And I realized how bad my habit was when everybodys jaw dropped in the room when they found out what my dependency was. Even the worst of the worst could not believe what my dependency had built up to. They were all astonished that I was still alive. I tried so hard to fight the addiction just to fail every time I got a new bottle filled. So that is why today I will not take narcotics because its only a path of failure. The sad truth is its not just veterans that are troubled with this issue but world wide people of all cultures rich,poor it doesnt matter its destroying us all. Speaking by experience I can tell you there are very very few alternatives to narcotics for pain relief. Because I choose not to be on narcotics I struggle day by day as a disabled veteran on Social Security disability. Its a sad reality because there is really no other options for long term chronic pain. For a terminal disabled person with chronic long-term pain physical therapy, massage therapy or chiropractic therapy or any type of therapy becomes astronomically expensive long term and therefore not practical. Insurance companies would rather put you on a medication to mask the pain and as a result a person deteriorates rapidly and either takes their own life or dies from the side effects caused by all the medication. Even though our technology becomes greater and greater every year unless you have large sums of money. The average person medically is screwed.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:10:58 +0000

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