I was able to bring myself to watch the Eric Garner recordings, - TopicsExpress


I was able to bring myself to watch the Eric Garner recordings, and Im sitting here just weeping. This man wasnt resisting arrest. He was pounced upon by savage cops, like lions upon prey, immediately one placed him in a crippling chokehold as Eric begged to breathe, yet the cop mercilessly clung to him, crushing his neck. This was a blatant cold blooded murder by authority. A Public execution of an innocent, unarmed American. I am glad people are protesting. I hope everyone realized now what kind of oppressive and violent fists have spread across the America, before Michael Brown, since Eric Garner, just recently in Cleveland, a child shot dead. Yet, today I saw on the news a man going to Jail for 90 days for Marajuana. Yet these cops killing our own are walking free, even waving at the bystanders who are videotaping. We thought this new era of Big Brother gave us some protection. It has only proven we remain powerless. America witnessed the murder of Eric Garner... the world witnessed the murder of Eric Garner... And our judicial system declared him innocent, rubbing power and absolute authority in the face of citizens everywhere, sending a clear message that were all at their mercy. When a black friend of mine tells me he is afraid - AFRAID - of a system once believed to protect us, I understand something has to change. We have to take back our rights. We have to start with our right to breathe. And if that means people hate police and defy them and rally against them, so be it. I understand theyre not all bad... theyre human... most just forgot we are too the very moment they clipped on some badge. I hope this is the beginning of a revolution and the people reclaim their power. Because the power of the people is greater, collectively, than the people in power, they just wanted us to forget that. My heart goes out to Eric Garner, whose life was stolen while the world watched and authorities smiled and waved. My prayers are with his family. In this tragedy only God can give them peace since our laws will not. And that cop, may God have mercy on your soul, you foul, filthy beast of a man. May you rot in hell. #RIPEricGarner #IcantBreathe #PublicExecution
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 06:48:21 +0000

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