I was alone but not for long , i wasnt the only one who was alone - TopicsExpress


I was alone but not for long , i wasnt the only one who was alone anymore , i was sort of glad when i saw him lonely like me , because i thought that am the only one who hate this world , in fact he hated more than me . But Ahmed was good at everything he did , he was so different from me , thats why i choose him to be my rival , because i wanted to become like him . Even thought we were both friends, Ahmed was always one step ahead of me. The reason why i tried so hard was because i wanted to catch up to him, even just a little. When we fought he asked me: _ Why? Why would you go so far for me? I answered: _ Because this is the first bond that I’ve ever had, thats why am going to stop you. At the end, i didnt understand Ahmed at all; i just thought i knew him. He said he was going to sever his bond with me and become better and stranger to face this world, he said i could never understand his feelings, Perhaps he was right saying that i was unable of being able to understand anything about him, However even i can see theres too much hated in our world, but i have faith that there will come a time when people can truly understand each other. To me, Ahmed was unique he was my family. I hated this life , i hated this world as it is too hard to stay alive in here , but that person , the person who has changed my life , was that lonely kid , the only person who knows that Am in pain , I fall apart when weve lost touch , he was the most incredible friend in my whole life and the only one that makes me feel good and safe , really he was my second family , he is the light that enlightens my path and encourages me to continue my way without giving up . He teaches me haw to start again when i fall. Really he was the best and the greatest friend i have ever had, but when i lose him, i have the same past feeling of loneliness. He always told me: _ I don’t care if it’s 1am, 2am, 3am or 4am, if you call or text I’ll answer cause I will always have time for you, time doesnt matter To have a friend like him is impossible , to me he was like a fairy tale , I’ve never stopped crying since our bond is broken and become little peace , now i cant collect them with my own , i need you to help me , please comeback , without you my world has become meaningless , please stay with me , i want to revive those moments where we was the best friend ever , where you shared me my sorrow , and tell me that you will stood by me forever , and relive my sadness . You were my enemy and you called me as friend, you saved me from the darkness, we were hated from the other person. People say that to become friends is too have beautiful common but our common is that we have the same pain of loneliness, we were different from them, and we were one person who describe the reality of this world. I wasnt have any brother but when i was with him , i wonder if this is the feeling of having a brother , because that feeling helped me to understand that am not alone in this world , and am not the only one who suffer from this reality . I have to get into anther fight, because we become friends by a fight and our bond is broken with anther, but you told me that the violence isnt the answer for all our problem, am confused, i do anything just to have one moment with you, now it passed three years and I’ve never heard any advice from you, really i miss you. I remember that you told me that i have to be stranger to face this world, but now all i can see that this world defeats you without forgiveness, what should i do? Is staying without doing something is the right answer or not?? This what i always asked to myself and thinking about it all the night. Now am sure that it is a right answer , i cant let my life filled with sadness because of you , it is your Fault you have to fixed not me . Am not wrong I’ve never refuse you, but now you did, the time made you refuse me as your friend, i was too stupid because i trusted you. I’ am the only one who thought that we were friends. You were the nearest person to me and I could not trust you, how could i believe someone else, how??? . If we meet again i will ask you one question, is the entire thing that we did together mean anything to you?! Ah , is this spouse to be , is this what the destiny write it to us , is the closest person went and never comeback , is everything in this world happen to me or it is just the beginning , the answer are become clear in those days . But I’ll be waiting for you , I’ll never let this bond go , you re the only one i know , i swear if you comeback i will forgive you . The stars shine and light my tears, I’m crying out for you, whenever i am sad the warm wind brush past me. Can you even feel it too?? Can’t you hear me numbing as you go?? . I sketched your face on this blank paper and i know the same warm smile, it had taken me once more, and now i miss that beautiful smile... Dont you know that I’m guided as i walk by these memories of you , thinking of losing you still boring me right through , i keep missing you even in my dreams . Am running in this way of tears , memories and fears chasing me , i cant escape from this loneliness , my wings are black and heavy , its too hard to reach to you .... Frankly I’m so pessimistic without you, just being near from me makes me the most lucky friend in this world, please, give me one more chance to convince you that this life is too short and we should live it together ... Forever can start right now, just be with me and makes our bond revive, because we live just once in our life so we have to enjoy with it... I have to convince you to comeback , where you belong , to me , to your friend to be just like we was , friends help each other at any time , friend stood by me forever , friend understand my feelings . I cant set here watching you drown in the darkness again, i will save you, i will stay your friend even if you let me, now is the right time to go, however am afraid if you refuse to comeback, because since you get out of my life, you changed as i did, but you change to another person who i dont know anything about him .Watching your best friend turn into somebody you no longer know, hurts. But I’m sure that the last person in you doesn’t disappear , it is in you ,but waiting me to save him from the hated of this world , now I’m confuse if this is the right time to Illuminate your way to comeback and have a new friendship , or i watching you drought without doing something , i have no idea , but in this situation if you are with me , you will choose the first , because you believe that staying without doing something nothing would happen , but if you want to change something go for it and try , i will try but the only thing i wanted from you is to help me to revive our friendship again . Dont you know am so sad, all my happiness went with you and it will comeback just if you stood by me, because you are the only one who touch my soul and makes her happy? My happy moments came about when I was with you. Now youre no longer here, what am I to do? you promised me that youd always be by my side , to make sure everything will be alright , dont you remember you told me you loved me as youre friend . Or was that all a lie? Cause these tears keep falling when thoughts of you cross my mind. I miss you my friend. every time when i saw you i remember everything we do it together but fort Tinley you let me alone in this harsh world again , this loneliness hurting me and killing me inside . I’m jealous of people who get to see you every day. I will reach you no matters how many miles and days it takes for me to get to you, Im always here for you. Through hell and high water. Dont you remember our first meeting it was the most funny and strange meeting, where we were enemies. In the summer when i was asleep , you made a noise next the room where i am , i get up , i told you if you will not stop nosing you will see what i can do , but you did the opposite , you made the noise louder and louder , so i filled some balloons with water and i throw you with it , after three days , i went to you and i apologize , you accepted and we become friends , that day seems just like was yesterday , i remember every second from it . Every time I see your face I remember all the times we shared, but now I see it slowly drifting away from me... Every day i watch you and i ask myself why you don’t come back. Beside this ... My heart always told me ...friendships are very hard to fix, but sometimes we just have to believe that everything will be okay in the end. People keep telling me that anything have it seems, but, is the moon and the sun have seems?? The answer is no, they are like you “unique “. I can’t find someone like you , i cant replace you, you are the only one who understand me , you are my oxygen , i cant let you go , i will die without you . Do you remember in the night when we watch the stars, we choose two of them and we gave them our names, they were too close. But now all i can see that they went too far from each other , however the light of these stars has decreased , because all the night they cant stop crying , they feel lonely and sad, they lost in the dark of the night , they have to be close again to enlightens this world and make it shine like the sun . Dont you know that all the night i watch them and am afraid if one of the stars will fall, but if they still there so there is hope. Dont you remember when i tried to push you away you never move, you stay by me, and when the ground gets shaky you give me hope, so thank you, i will not forget anything you do it for me, you are the only one who believe that there aren’t nothing i cant do, but now i passed that doubt and it help me see that there is hope and power inside of me. There is a part of me i still dont understand, it is the part that you built in me, the bond between us, i always see what i dont have when my reality is really not bad, only if you comeback i will have everything i wanted, just one word from you can change my life to better or worse, just call me my friend and you will see me next to you at any moment or any place. Now i watch the sky and i asked her: _ Do you see Ahmed? She answered with sadness: _ No i cant see him my eyes are fill with tears , am sorry your story makes me cry , but i want to ask you one question , why you still want him as your friend , they are many friends like him , why ? I asked her: _ is all the clouds are the same? She answered: _ No!!! Why??? I added: _He is unique. She laughed and she told to me: _Everyone is unique in this life, huh!!! I asked her: _Can you forget your past, especially the happy moment? She answered: _Youre right, i cant forget any happy memory, it is the best thing that you keep remind it to yourself to become happy when you are sad. I advise you, go to the sea and let go youre emotion. I went to the sea and i watched the beautiful nature , that place always remind me all the happy moment i spend it with Ahmed , i cant forget any happy moment with him , i cant forget that strange smile , i cant forget his voice , you were too special to me , the sea look at my tears and he asked me : _Why are you crying?? I answered: _Because this life is too hurt it makes you lose all youre bond with all your friends. He added: _This life does not hurt; people make you see it like that. I wonder. Is that person is the only one you have?? I answered: _Yes he is ...I’m in deep of sadness, i wasnt thinking if it is possible to lose him, now you can see that I’m alone again. He asked: _What the word friend mean to you??? I answered: _In the past, friend was merely a word to me nothing more, nothing less .But after meeting him; he made me realize that the meaning of that word is whats important... He interrupted me and he asked: _What does it mean?? What can you do for Ahmed?? Think hard about that and you will find the right answer.... The sea told me that this world isnt too bad but people make it like that. But he forget something , not the people make this world from heaven to hell , the different between them makes people treat the hated person as they are monsters , we are humans , we have fresh and blood , why we hate each other ?? Why we cant accept the other just like they are, why we accept just the person who seems like us?? Friends come and go, but the good friends always stay no matter what, because they love you for who you are not what they want you to be. A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are A flower may die! The sun may set! But a friend like you I’ll never forget! Your name is precious! It will never grow old! Written on my heart in letters of gold! For the first time I’m so happy because it is the first time i see you in my dreams, maybe our destiny has changed and it will become better, i saw you riding this book and your tears fall into this paper where i wrote your name and called you my friend, that moment make me realize that you still existed and you will know what i felt, especially when i broke up my bond with you, i swear i will make this dream become true. The last year a person look at himself from the mirror in the wall, he saw that he loses his bond with his best friend and he asked himself: _The last year i was happy with him but now i wander. How many people lead a life that’s a lie? How many broken hearts cry out and sigh...? How many memories kindle a dead bond? How many of them do get another chance...? Why i cant have that second chance??? Now i realize that person was me , but now i see myself from a broken mirror with a broken heart , because i know all the answer , however i have no idea from where i start , because if i start moving the wall between us , i will find another and another wall that i have to move it , i dont have enough strength to move it with my own , help me just one more time , stood by me forever , I’m your friend dont let me alone , I’m afraid , I’m in cage , i need you to free me , open that little door please i begin you . . You are my light, you close the night, i can’t let you went from my mind, but i wonder why we still fight and you told me that the fight isnt a solution to our life .You are my wigs without you i cant reach to sky, since we lost touch every time i try to fly i fall, without you its hard to survive, please comeback i need you by my side. I want to destroy this world. Destroy him , means that sadness and hated they will disappear from this life , but with doing that i will lose all the important person that i live for them , especially you , and i dont want that happen . I cant find a solution to have a moment with you , i need to find it but i cant , i was thinking what if i kill myself ?? with doing that my soul can watch you every second , but what can i do if I’m not existed to protect you , i need to be alive to watch you and waiting the moment where you will called me to stay by you again , and protect you from the other person . I have no idea if this is the right time to have a moment with you and broke the chains from my body, to enjoy with freedom again, and fly like a bird in the sky, swim like a fish in the sea, run fast like the lion who want to see his friend to live with him again and forever. Ahmed , when you need someone just turn around and i will be there , and when you feel alone just tell me and you will find me next to you , now you know where you can find me , just come to revive those moment where we was the best friends ever . Give me one more chance to show you how much i care about you. From the beginning i was thinking that the faith let you born to this world to be friends , now i see the opposite , but i swear i will change what the faith write it to us , because all i want to do is show this world that our friendship is the stranger weapon to defeat what we have in front of us , and change it like we want , no one can write our future other than us , just take my hand and I’m sure that we can write it together , because i will Waite you my best friend forever until the last breath in me . Before i went please e-mail my heart and tell him that you will not forget him, because from the bottom of my broken heart i will save our bond in a place where no one can find it, to take it from me, because I’m a afraid if someone else find it and took it, i cant forgive myself if that happen. I was thinking what if love is the solution , i tried to love and i succeed , the darkness turn to light when i see her , i become dreamer even when i wake , she trusted me and she called me my love , she makes me happy also a lover , she sacrifice just to have a moment with me, when she touch me , my heart beat so fast , when i kiss here i reach to sky , when i see her smile i feel alive , she take care of me even if I’m ill , when my heart is broken she become my doctor and she take care of him , when she touch my face i sleep , I’m a poppet between here hand , i give here my arm my eyes my mind but i cant give her my heart because there is a part of him belong to Ahmed , for the very first time i feel how I’m i important to some person , cant you feel it Ahmed , but i was asking myself ???? Love can replace friend ship??? Is love the right answers of my entire question??? Is calling you my love better then calling you my friend”?? That girl, if she see herself just like i see it, she will love herself, but love cant stay forever as they say, you become week, and this world love the week person because he wait the right moment to attack him, and all i want to do is defeat this reality, so love cant make me stronger, infect he makes me week so i cant stay a lover. Friend ship defeat time, destiny, world and faith, i will keep this bond forever, i promises you Ahmed i will defeat the destiny for you, Ahmed in now a day I’ve hated you...and resented you...for the singular purpose of forget you, but my past emotions cant let me do that, I’m obsessed of you, i cant stay one moment without thinking of you, Every passing day, you’re closer to being forgotten and even so , I wish our friendship had not been killed along with our fate . sometimes i feel that I’m crazy but i was sure that the three past years cant help me to forget you it help me to think that i should keep this bond tight , and never let it go . Sometimes people say to me what if this day is the last day in your life what you will do, i always cry when they ask me this question because without you, i have nothing to do it, just be with me and i will have everything i wanted in my whole life, its alright, its okay, dont get far away, its so real this is the last time “. Ahmed in my thought every second of every day , losing him has destroy my life and my hopes , he were the key to all my problem , the answer of all my question and the eyes that show me the right way to the right future, losing him is losing the half of my heart. Half-heart cant show me what i have to do because the other part is with you , my mind cant thinking because the oxygen went , and if you comeback everything will bring to life , I’m a body without a heart and a mind , I’m nothing without you , I’m everything with you . Living without you is too hard , i always blame myself because of losing you , you are in my thought every day , you are the only i have , i cant find anyone can replace you . I remember that you told me that i cant understand anything about you , but now i know what you were feel for the very first time and I’m sure if i saw you i will know what i told you , the question in my thought are , do you feel what i feel ?? do you know what i have inside of me ??? they are the questions that i dont know the right answers for it , but i want you to give it to me , you are the only one who can answer all my questions , however I’m sure that you will not know what i have inside of me but i will told you , i have a kid , he is afraid , and those past years turn him to monster eat my emotions and change it to loneliness and fears , i cant sleep , i always stay with my self-thinking what i have to do , now i know that you arent drown in the dark , I’m the only one who drown and waiting someone to save him from the darkness , and i cant accept anyone only you . Do you remember when we were together all the person who hating me and you , change and come to speak with us , and when we were alone they ignore us as we arent existed in this world , they were treat us like a worm but they didnt know that this warm can change to a beautiful butterfly and fly in the fresh air to enjoy with the freedom that she didnt know when she was a worm , that butterfly is so lucky , she will escape from the earth and it will see the beautiful world from the sky without knowing that when you live in this world you will become afraid of losing all the person who we love and care about them . This world change us without knowing that we change to another person who have no feelings and emotions , the world destroy our personality without farness , he have no forgiveness , the love is the source of this life but the friendship is the life, the bond is the only thing that can change everything , from bad to beautiful , from sadness to happiness , from darkness to lightness , it is too beautiful to have a bond with someone , if you doesn’t live an experience you will not feel what i feel now , i write those line with tears and blood , i write the paragraphs from inside , i have the pictures between my eyes , you are the only one i have in my mind , i swear thats true you are the only one i have , you are everything , my world , my life , my heart , my mind , my boy, my soul ... you are my friend . I cant told you everything about friendship but the only thing i know that we cant choose our friends , it is our hearts who choose them , we cant control those emotions it guided us to them , friends are exist just look clear and you will found him in front of you , we are unable of know what we have and what we dont have , our faith write to us what we have in the next years just Wait and you will see , gad love us only if we thank him , he is the only one who you found him next to you every year , every day , every moment and every second , tell him what is youre trouble and am sure that he will help you to found the right way to your happiness . Dont you know that you were my strength when I was weak , my voice when I couldnt speak , my eyes when I couldnt see ,You gave me wings and made me fly , when i lost my faith you gave it back to me , For now, after so many ages of experience, what do we know of relationship , or of ourselves? Not one step has man taken toward the solution of the problem of his destiny. Nothing is true in this world but two things are True to me, the first, A true friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. A friend is like a flower, he is like a ghost whose spirit never dies, and the second is, True Bonding is not measured by time spent together or the favors done for each other. But by the comfort you find when you realize you have each other If youre alone, Ill be your shadow. If you want to cry, Ill be your shoulder. If you want a hug, Ill be your pillow. If you need to be happy, Ill be your smile... But anytime you need a friend, Ill just be me. I was always here for you, silently waiting for you to turn around. You tell me everything, from what happened during class to your hopes and dreams. But then she shows up. Youre batting me off to the side, ignoring me. You put her priorities first, putting her ahead. And then you change. You dont talk to me, you no longer care, when its related to me, you dont even put time. Just what am I to you, I dont even know. Just one more time, you diss me again, and then you wont see me again. Goodbye. Ill say Hello to you, when you say goodbye to her. A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.. Dear best friend, I thought you should know that I miss you and all the laughs we used to have. I wish our friendship wasnt fading. Its strange how I used to be so close to you....and now I dont even talk to you anymore. Moving on is simple, what you leave behind that makes it difficult. Sorry I had to let you go but I couldnt hold on anymore. It kills me to let you go but it’s even worse to see that you dont care at all about me. You mean everything to me but I guess to you, I’m just another friend. The more I hold on, the more Im going to get hurt. Someday Im going to look back and regret and Im going to wish I tried harder but the sad truth is that in the end the one that gets hurt isnt you, it’s me. Why did you hurt me? Why did you let me go? Why did you say all that cute stuff when you really didnt know? Why did you lie and say you never liked me? Why did you tell them you never really were in love? Why do I suspect you to hate me when I know you cant? That was just the beginning when you were my friend. What a lie you were to say it would make it to the very end. Broken, shattered, life filled with pain. Lonely, forgotten, eyes filled with shame. Lost, confused, heart filled with hurt. Praying, longing for life not to get worse. I hate feeling like my heart is broken. I wish this was a dream and I havent awakened. I guess its in the stars for me to love you from a distance - our ship sailed, the wind blows, the doors always open but our window is closed... Everyone tells me to move on. Everyone tells me that youre not worth my tears. Truth is, theyre lying. You are worth my tears. Because Im willing to cry about you, because I really do love you. Want to know the sad part? You never loved me; you dont destroy the person you love. My happy moments came about when I was with you. Now youre no longer here, what am I to do? You promised me that youd always be by my side. To make sure everything will be alright. Dont you remember you told me you loved me? Or was that all a lie? Cause these tears keep falling when thoughts of you cross my mind. I miss you As much as it hurts for me to say, I still have a thing for you. No matter how much time I deny it, a big part of me wont let you go. When I hear your name I quickly look up, when I open my phone I abundantly read your old texts, when I see your picture I smile to myself. But its time for me to wake up from your foolish fake love thats blocking my sweetest dreams. Now you mean nothing to me, so low in my eyes. Your name is just a word, nothing more or less. Your texts are just a version of the alphabets in a non-chronological order. Your picture is just a drawing with colors of what use to be you. You just loved the wrong person, and shattered the most clueless heart. I hope you find a time to sit alone and think to yourself where everything went wrong and take the blame. Think all you want now about rebuilding the trust of us; it’s funny because you’re just memories from a picture in a shattered frame... Israa Missaoui Meryam ßen Gamra Rania Oth Rhouma Khawla Yasmine Achouri Marwa Tahri Badra Ben Salah Chaima Ayari Special thank to : Dørsåf Tlìlì Nour Chebbi Emna Kalai Read it and tell me your opinion is importent to me and thank you Read my book give me mistakes please
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:30:45 +0000

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