I was asked by Gary D. Wallin to share the 10 most influential - TopicsExpress


I was asked by Gary D. Wallin to share the 10 most influential books I have ever read. In no particular order, here they are. 1.No Man is an Island – Thomas Merton (This has been one of the most significant and formative books I have ever read on faith, prayer and the Christian life.) 2.Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven – James Brian Smith (A vivid portrait of humility and authenticity) 3.Brave New World – Aldous Huxley (One of the most compelling stories I have ever read. Eerily prophetic, it pits the importance of emotion against a world of numbed indulgence.) 4.Shutting out the Sun: How Japan Created Its own Lost Generation – Michael Zielenziger (One of the world’s leading books on Japan’s hikikomori, social withdrawal, phenomenon, this book not only shed a great deal of light on Japanese culture, but is the foundation for what I am pursuing in school. It analyzes mental health in the context of culture, and it widened my perspective to learn to see the world and situations from multiple angles.) 5.Pilgrim’s Regress – CS Lewis (Incredibly well written, Lewis’ first novel is highly autobiographical. Focusing on his journey into faith, it emphasizes the importance of wonder while also being a fierce critic of the culture and scholasticism of his day.) 6.Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy – Eric Metaxas (If there is anyone I want to be like, it is Dietrich Bonhoeffer. It inspired me, not just in regards to my faith, but in the way I value humility, intellect, conviction, courage, and the importance of loving others.) 7.American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur 1880 – 1964- William Manchester (This book re-inspired a love of history, strategy, and the importance of understanding and honoring other cultures. It also covers an important period of world history which most Americans are completely ignorant about.) 8.To Own a Dragon: Reflections on Growing Up Without a Father - by Donald Miller (The best book I have read on this subject. It didn’t set out to answer questions but gave clarity, hope, and many laughs.) 9. Eat to Live – Dr. Joel Furhman (At one point in 2011, I weighed over 350 lbs. Encouraged by T Martin Bennett to read this, It not only shifted my view on health and nutrition, with its insights and help, I lost over 125 lbs in the course of 8 months. It continues to be the foundation from which I view health.) 10.We Caught You Plotting Murder – Andrew Schwab (To even call this a book, is incredibly generous. This collection of short essays and poems by Schwab changed my life as a teenager. A scathing and visceral assault against a culture which celebrates mediocrity, this book inspired my teenage self, not just to be someone who thinks critically and relentlessly challenges systems and norms, but it inspired me to want to be a writer. It’s been nearly a decade since I have read it, but it definitely shaped me.) Honorable mentions, because they are hard to quantify: Brian Michael Bendis’ Daredevil complete run and The Complete Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 12:12:51 +0000

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