I was asked by a dear friend in an indirect way - Why does God - TopicsExpress


I was asked by a dear friend in an indirect way - Why does God allow bad things to happen like childhood cancer, tornadoes, or plane crashes?... Its a tough question to answer for anyone, but here is my response as I can best articulate my perspective/understanding (I just wanted to share with anyone else out there who may struggle with that question - I hope you dont mind): God created, in infinite wisdom, the cosmos in a physical manner to which a natural law transitions all things from a state of order towards chaos (2nd law of thermodynamics). This happened in each of the first 6 days (yom) of creation. All things came into existence from His wisdom, through Jesus, and had an allowed range of freedom (chance) built into the design. When needed and until the 7th day (when He rested), God directly intervened and re-calibrated His creation toward a purpose of sustaining life, an unnatural existence of inert matter becoming unconsciously awakened. Though the continued process of lifes growth/evolution/advancement (pick your position) a new being was formed and God breathed his conscious spirit into what became mankind. Mankind was not created in a perfect world of unbrokeness, the universe had that in play from its inception. Man was created to die and had to be supernaturally sustained though Gods provision by the tree of life in a confined garden of sanctuary (whether you believe that to be literal or figurative is irrelevant). It was by mankinds choice to chose a life of law (the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL) over a perfectly connected relationship with our Creator. This choice set in motion a perfect plan to which we are subjected to the fixed chaos of this broken creation, but though it were given a complete and wonderful freedom to choose to seek that intended relationship of love with our designer - free from all law. Through Jesus life and death, we see the exact representation of our Abba Creator. We have been given hope for life beyond this broken creation, despite the unfathomable tragedies such as childhood cancer, tornadoes, or plane crashes. In an unexpected twist, the Grace of death is actually a gift of everlasting Life in a new existence free from the brokenness of this world. His creation takes those broken things and somehow, outside of our ability to rationalize, works them together for a universal good. No where in Gods plan does he promise a life free from the chaos or brokenness of this realm. This life is not about finding out about how we can be good enough or understanding why all bad things happen; it is about overcoming that mindset and living each moment, to the best of our capabilities, in the HOPE that His grace is sufficient and will be provided as promised for so much more than we could ever begin to comprehend.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 18:06:41 +0000

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