I was asked by a friend How do I curb my bodys urges, and why cant - TopicsExpress


I was asked by a friend How do I curb my bodys urges, and why cant I find satisfying friendships in my life? There is an intensity to this human experience that is difficult to language. We feel deep in our hearts a oneness with life and nature, and yet we exist in separate bodies, and we are alone in our experience of life. This fact of being an individual requires us to have a separate sense of self in order to exist as a human being for this life experience. How do we craft our sense of who we are? This is the question all the mystics ask their students - Who Are You? The seekers after Truth ask, Who Am I? Meditation takes us to a place where we viscerally feel I AM - and in that I AM is feelings and emotions - the current of energy running through our body. These feelings are the input from our bodys senses and the body does not lie. Integrating these feelings and emotions with the minds thinking and presenting to the world our wholeness as a human being is what self realization is all about. To do this we must embrace the loveable and unloveable parts of ourself. Most people do not want to do this work. So they look to the outer world to determine Who Am I. This creates a sense of self, but its a false self and crates in life relationships full of drama. It lacks the authentic reflection of an individuals personal mystery, personal legend, the magic of our unique contribution to the world. Nature reflects the beauty of this mystery to us in many ways, including the fact that every snow flake is a unique masterpiece. Every one! There are no two exactly alike! People willing to do the work stop asking people on the outside Who Am I and start the longest journey inside to find Who Am I and share this knowing with the world, one authentic moment at a time. These are the heart felt moments when you are vulnerable to your truth as a human being and you share your present moment truth, with out expectation or attachment to an outcome, but simply because the love in your heart overflows and you seek connection because unity is our souls natural resting place - we are all One in Life and Light while we are also alone as individuals have this separate life experience. When you start gently relating with people from a place of authenticity, without expectation that they like you or get you, but rather you are more interested in connection and really hearing their story and if asked, sharing your authentic vulnerable story, you slowly build soul connections. The first relationship is with your self. When you come to the place where you love all your parts - the good and the not so good, your nervous system relaxes and people around you feel a gentle grace of what I call the love of God. In my mind this is what is precious about the Divine - unconditional love. Thats what we give ourselves and what we want to send out into the world. These questions are Real and Important. I feel my urges and cravings are my body and mind seeking my bliss. I am the Silent Watcher of my life, and I must learn the language of my body and soul and aline my life so my truth and experience of bliss is my Highest Good and I seek to nurture all that nourishes my Highest Good and gently let go of the habits and thought patterns that dont serve me. Meditation twice a day allows Nature/God/Life to gently do the work for me to change and evolve within all my subtle vestures, as I am doing exactly what a human being is asked to do in life - Show Up and sit and Listen. Be A Human Being. Very simple, very loving and kind. Twenty minute twice a day, every day, and watching my body and mind teach me, from the inside out, what my human experience is all about. Truth resides within, and I find more and more synchronicity of my outer world reflecting back my deepening sense of my inner world, and after a few years I have noticed they are blending and the outer and the inner becoming an integrated amazing magical wholeness, and I no longer feel alone, as I know I AM THAT I AM and THOU ART THAT - the great mystery of Man and God as being the mirror of the cosmos - God in Man and Man in God. It s worth the journey my friends. This life is worth the work. The bliss of loving yourself is the most beautiful happiness that exists and no one can ever take it away, but you can share it with others and this is true Magic! The Philosophers stone is Love!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:09:54 +0000

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