I was asked by a friend about when elections are due normally and - TopicsExpress


I was asked by a friend about when elections are due normally and if government cannot prolong it by 6 months. In 1982, the MMM-PSM alliance, and in 1991, the MMM-MSM alliance ended the possibility of going back to the 1970s when elections were abolished for 9 whole years by the Labour-PMSD government. Here are the amendments to the Constitution that now make the abolition of postponement of elections impossible beyond 5 years and make elections due before May 4, 2015: This is what the Constitution says: Section 4 Alteration of the Constitution (3) A Bill for an Act of Parliament to alter the provisions of section 1 or 57(2) shall not be passed by the Assembly unless – (a) the proposed Bill has before its introduction in the Assembly been submitted, by referendum, to the electorate of Mauritius and has been approved by the votes of not less than three quarters of the electorate; (b) it is supported at the final voting in the Assembly by the votes of all the members of the Assembly. The unamendable section 57(2) mentioned above states, as amended in 1982: Section 57 (2) Parliament unless sooner dissolved, shall continue for 5 years from the date of the first sitting of the Assembly after any general election and shall then stand dissolved. The status of Mauritius as a republic and a democratic one cannot be altered unless by a referendum, another unamendable amendment made by MMM-MSM in 1991 states, also in Section 47: (3) A Bill for an Act of Parliament to alter the provisions of section 1 or 57(2) shall not be passed by the Assembly unless – (a) the proposed Bill has before its introduction in the Assembly been submitted, by referendum, to the electorate of Mauritius and has been approved by the votes of not less than three quarters of the electorate; (b) it is supported at the final voting in the Assembly by the votes of all the members of the Assembly. Section 1 referred to above makes of Mauritius a Republic and a democratic one and no one can amend this. Section 1 states: 1. The State Mauritius shall be a sovereign democratic State which shall be known as the Republic of Mauritius.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 14:45:59 +0000

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