I was asked this question this morning by Current President David - TopicsExpress


I was asked this question this morning by Current President David Millar: A large part of being MBAA President is enjoyable, you get to know your classmates really well, you make decisions that can truly change the school and benefit the student body, and you attend a lot of school events. On the flip side, there is a lot of pressure with the position at times; a lot of meetings with staff/faculty, dealing with any student conflicts and whenever something goes wrong in the school you are bound to hear about it. My question for you today is the following: -How will you stay motivated as MBAA President to push through the more difficult parts of the role, and how would you do this uniquely/differently from your peers Here was my answer: Hello David, I think the answer lies in two areas. 1) Remembering why I took this role in the first place. When I took this role, I knew what I was signing up for wouldn’t a walk in the park. I took it knowing that good things aren’t easy and making a difference would be a challenge. Knowing that the students voted for me to represent them and that I am not only working for myself, but that I am working for them, that is what I need to always keep in mind. If I fail, I let not only myself down, but my fellow peers and recently turned graduates, my faculty, and my school. 2) When I met with Paul Bates, I asked him how he balanced being so successful with maintaining a successful marriage and essentially, how he maintained his work life balance. He told me something that resonated with me. He said that you need to learn to compartmentalize and that there will be things that you need to sometimes put in a folder and deal with the next day. Learning to compartmentalize and prioritize all the issues, long term and short term will be what helps me stay focused and motivated. Knowing that I have a system for approaching all issues at hand and being able to say “This is more important RIGHT NOW so I will address it immediately” will be what keeps me going. Thank you Questions, comments, concerns? Feel free to comment below!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:50:34 +0000

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