I was asked to share this by a friend of mine Richard Long and am - TopicsExpress


I was asked to share this by a friend of mine Richard Long and am happy to do so. There is some interesting info in here. Thanks Richard. I find it interesting how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid downplays the importance and effectiveness of the Tea Party. I find interesting that leftist, elitist and other liberal’s call Tea Party such things as Teatards, Tea Baggers or extreme right wing radicals. I find interesting and disturbing that so many people believe in the old adage that my vote doesn’t count or what can the people REALLY do? What can one person do, how ineffective are so called Tea Baggers? We can educate the masses on the true power we the people posses, we can exercise those powers and shed light on all the corruptions that we have lived under for far too long, and we can pass that knowledge onto others. With that very purpose in mind allow me to educate as many people as are willing to listen to me on a power that we the people of the United States posses, a power that we and we alone can exercise and the Government is legally obligated to abide by it. I am talking about the power of the people to enact Constitutional Amendments solely on and by our Constitutional authority given to us by the laws of this country! How many of you, sitting there reading this right now, know that we the people of the United States have the power to enact Amendments to our Constitution without Congressional authority NOR Congressional consent? That’s right ladies and gentlemen we have that very real power, look this up if you do not believe me! Suppose we the people have decided that the time has come for ALL government officials to have term limits, or we want to do away with the Electoral College or perhaps both. We the people have the authority through our elected governor’s offices to call for a State Convention for the purpose of enacting a Constitutional Amendment, and all it takes is the signatures of 2/3 of your state population. So you get those signatures and your governor HAS to call a State Convention which is not only for your State but invites ALL 50 States to send representatives (and those representatives DO NOT have to be previously elected one’s) are sent to the convention in which the proposed Amendment is laid out. The purposed Amendment is than placed before the voters of the general population NOT, I say again, NOT before the Electoral College, and that is because the Electoral College has NO SAY in this process whatsoever. The votes are tallied, and if a majority of the people in 33 States or more, which is a 2/3 majority, vote for the proposed Amendment, the Amendment passes and becomes a binding law that the government MUST abide by. The only way they government could overturn the Amendment is to purpose a counter Amendment which must be likewise approved by the voters of 33 or more States. I am passing this on to as many people as I can through as many outlets as I can. I beg that if you, like me have had enough of Washington insider politics, enough feeling like you can’t do anything, just ENOUGH of the total direction that this country is and has been headed down to take solace and comfort in the fact that WE do have the power, that WE can make a difference, that WE are not ineffective and that WE can take back what is rightfully OURS! Start by passing this important information on to others.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 03:26:11 +0000

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