I was at the petrol station yesterday (gas station) and a thought - TopicsExpress


I was at the petrol station yesterday (gas station) and a thought jumped into my mind while standing in the sun. And that was that we are not to judge people. We all know that, right? So who is to judge us right now, here today, right at this moment? (not talking about Christ judging us) You are supposed to judge yourself. The preacher/pastor etc is supposed to help us remove addictions, bad opinions, bad attitudes, and materialism from our minds as well as baggage from the past. This can take some time with the average person. We know that moving into a new relationship with the negative baggage from the past will simply destroy the next relationship and add more negative baggage to both people. If the preacher helps the person remove this baggage then the marriages will not breakup, people will have new loving relationships, people will not commit suicide because their self-worth will be restored and they will become new from dealing with the past with a positive encouraging manner etc. The preacher is supposed to enlighten our minds to what went wrong in the past, and to ensure us that we were victims of a lost society - that makes us innocent and we can forgive ourselves easier, as well as find out what went wrong and how to remove that baggage. This is called the spiritual healing of the soul. As we progress, this enlightenment from the preaching will wake us up to what is wrong in our life, and what is causing us to struggle, and what caused us to do the silly things that we did in the past. As we make a new discovery about the past, or an addiction (that we may not have known that we had) or a problem area in our life, we can judge ourself and realise with wisdom that the only way that this problem can be solved is if we do something about the problem. When people are Society-Lost, they tend to be insecure, and with that insecurity they tend to be sensitive about what people say to them. So if a Christian walks up to someone and points out their faults, addictions etc this will make the sensitive insecure person get their back up in self-righteous anger and argue back. Not good comes from this whatsoever. I know a pastor who kept doing that, he would go to their homes, tell them off (due to some sin that he had noticed, like unmarried couples etc) and somehow expect them to come back to his church on their hands and knees grateful that he had judged them - the way he spoke to them did not help in the slightest. All he succeeded in doing was shrinking the congregation as each insecure person departed from what they saw was an arrogant preacher. And in doing this he turned more people from God than towards God. The wise way to deal with everyone is to let them come to the discovery of what is causing them problems in their life, they they will not be offended and they will honestly seek genuine help. Then once they have made a new discovery to encourage them with good help, and support. Standing with someone, side by side, gets results, good positive helpful soul-saving results. Please see the positive side of letting people make their own discoveries (even if it is your own children), and be their with all your love, kindness and commitment to help them get through it (If you know what you are doing or have been through this yourself). Please let people judge themselves. Please encourage people to look further and discover causes for their problems. Please help people find their own solutions with your encouraging loving guidance. All the best from James M Sandbrook.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 20:49:23 +0000

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