I was awakened at 4:30 by the sounds of someone moving around on - TopicsExpress


I was awakened at 4:30 by the sounds of someone moving around on our front porch. It sounded like a very purposeful rifling through the stuff on our porch (mostly cat food bowls and junk) as if they were looking for something. It was significantly more "organized" sounding than when the cats are just pushing stuff around. So I got up and turned on the porch light, and looked out the small window in the door. "Whoever" it was had to be too close to the door and too small for me to see from that angle which ruled out any human intruder, so i opened the inside door to find THREE very large, well fed, completely unconcerned sets of masked eyes looking up at me through the glass door with interest and no concern at all. "Well, look at you guys." I said. This seemed to make two of them a little uncomfortable and they slowly moseyed off the side of the porch, but the other one just sat there, looking fat and fluffy and curious, and sat up on his hind legs and wrung his hands while he looked at me. I cracked the glass door open a bit and leaned down, "Dude, you got a lot of nerve, man." He blinked once or twice, rubbed his little racoony eyes, then turned around and slowly headed off after his two buddies. *facepalm*
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 09:14:45 +0000

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