I was blind and now I see! Todays Gospel reading is one of my - TopicsExpress


I was blind and now I see! Todays Gospel reading is one of my favorite biblical teachings. Jesus heals a blind man so that he can see again. Blindness, as with any other condition involving the sensory system, obviously is a challenge. The other kind of blindness, which does not involve sight, is the impotence of the heart to see the suffering of others. This latter kind of blindness that has spread like a curse upon humanity is what I would like to address at this time. When we fail to defend the rights of others, when we fail to right the wrong, when we ignore the suffering of others brought on by the whims of the powerful few, and when we close our eyes to the injustices of society, then we are blind. Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta gave us an example of how we can open our eyes so that we can serve others without regard to who the other is, be he a Christian or a non-believer. A Christian sees not the peelings of a person as the basis for extending compassion. Rather, what is paramount is that we are all brothers and sisters in this world, worthy of each others pity and affection. Mother Theresa cared for the destitute, down-trodden, and those that had been neglected by society. It did not matter what or who they were. What mattered was that they are all parts of our existence. During this season of Lent,let the light that enter our eyes be the source of our compassion. And may that compassion pierce our hearts so that it may be able to see. Happy Sunday to all.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:29:36 +0000

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