I was born in the 60s and I am a Black (African American) woman. - TopicsExpress


I was born in the 60s and I am a Black (African American) woman. My mother raised me and my siblings Extremely well!!!!! My stepfather was there, but my mother disciplined us. The MAJORITY of Black parents disciplined us by using switches, belts, hands, etc. Disciplining us in that way helped us to respect people. In my opinion, I never thought it was child abuse. I can look back on it and call it good parenting. Our neighbors NEVER once called the police or the DSS (Department of Social Services) and it NEVER crossed our minds to so....unlike the children of today. As a matter of fact, neighbors and other people told my mother if we were acting up. Oh boy, we were going to get it if it got back to our mother.. Why? While we were out, we represented our mother....if we were viewed as bad children, it made her look bad...and Mama wasnt having it!!! Fast forward to the present..Our parenting rights have been taken away....something that has worked for the majority of Blacks since forever. Now Black and White America have these young Black males and females disobeying everyone and everything...showing no regard to human life. Then it is asked WHY???? It goes back to the one thing that every Black child needs..... (discipline) basic home training. When there is no (discipline) basic home training, for fear of being arrested, etc, then this is the end result.... Of course there are a lot more factors to this equation. It starts at home. I disciplined my daughter and took away her privileges. There was no time out. Yes, I talked to her while I was whooping that A$$!!!! Afterwards, I would sit and talk to her and let her speak about the situation. I had to instill in her that I was the parent. Why? She represented me while she was out. If she was viewed as a bad child, then it made me look bad....and Mama wasnt having it!!! Society stopped Black Americans from disciplining our children. What society failed to realize was all the consequences and the backlash that followed!!!!! ........A lot more of: Black on White crimes, Black on Black crimes, and Disrespect towards an authoritative figure.......to keep pushing us with all the injustices to the point where we explode is not healthy for anyone. No one listens to us when we speak calmly. It takes us to act badly to get societys attention. No, its not helping the situation but it lets society know that we have a voice also. I am not condoning child abuse!!!!! There is a difference between the two. It starts at home!!!! When parents are not allowed to do what needs to be done, something that has worked for them, the end result IS and will ALWAYS be Chaotic!!!!! There was an incident with me that has stayed with me and it lets me know that SOME people, not all, will view me as less than a human being. I was waiting on a customer but had to call the manager because HE didnt want me too. All I was to do was ring up the mans order. I wasnt fixing his food, the manager was doing that. Yet the manager had to stop fixing his order to come ring it up. She was doing it all!! It hurt me, but at the same time, he better been glad I didnt have to fix his food. RACISM IS ALIVE AND ITS NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!! All because the color of my skin!!!!!! The manager tried to make up an excuse for him. Needless to say, he got what he wanted because I didnt go back!!! I let him WIN because I quitted. That one incident had scarred me for life. Black people cant continue to take that form of abuse and just let it go, especially when you know youve done nothing wrong, except wanting to work.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:42:09 +0000

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