I was born with a problem and bc of it im in a chiar I have over - TopicsExpress


I was born with a problem and bc of it im in a chiar I have over 20some thing surgerys I have been in and out the hospital my hole life and going to the docters I have been in 8schools I have friends that r like me and worst then me and normal friends I love haveing friends and meting ppl dont let my problems or my chiar bother u im still humen the only thing is im just siting ppl r all different in so much ways and sizes and colose thats just how god made us and we have to deal with it keep all ur old friends but alwas make new friends loseing them is hard but u get used to it haveing them is good but watch who they r bc u never no who they r and how they r some like u for u some just hurt u dont talk of other bc u nver no what can happend to u just for talking of them never lose a friendship over some thing stupid we r all humen just bc im in the chiar dont mean I cant do any thing I love my 6 good friends ail,adrian,felipe,freedy,andrez,jonathan there alwas there for me in the good and bad time they alwas no what to do just to c me laugh and happy and strong and there alwas talking to me wiether there busy or or not they alwas talk to me they like me for me not bc of my problems or bc of my chiarthey tell me never to let any thing bother me or bring me down if ppl talk of u just let them bc what gose around comes around love care belive in aprished what u do and have thank god for every thing hes done for us and for giveing us life and for giveing us a secon chance to life alwas b happy and strong at every thing u do some of u dont belive in god but there is a god takeing care of us its not r falt how we r born its just life and how god made us so belive trust and count on him and family and friends like I said bfor haveing a baby is hard into u learn how to take care of it with problems its not easy but u get used to it belive me its hard bc I was born with a problem and my mom as to go thr a lot to take care of me I may not have kids but I have niece and nephews and there 10of them lol I love them to dieth my first to nephews that I live with they love being with me when they c my sts there alwas telling me that its hear they like to help my drivers put me in the car I have had a dog for 2years I got her when she was 3months old when im going to bed she gose with me on my bed when im off bed she still b there and some times she under my bed or next to my bed or under my chiar some times she follows me and I dont even no that into I run her over lol when she hears foot steps she gose to the door bc she nose that there comeing to the door sites at the door look at the doornob and when she hears my sts hear she runs around the house so I no that by hear doing that that its hear and when im out said she dose it agin so my mom nose im home she dont like any one around me or to tuch me lol so make new friends and belive in god and family aprished them for all the thing u have I love my friends we can talk of any thing and they make my day going and smail and happy and strong they dont care how I m or who I m as long as were friends it sad to c kids dieing bc of a sicknes or other thing but hey its life so deal with it ppl move on in ur lifes dont let any thing bother u just b happy and strong I used to volunteer at marcy hospital and mch and I still do shake a leg miami but not all the time I used to work for my cousin in cure the world foundtion so b happy with what u have and what u do keep up the good work u do in life never let ppl bring u down at all they dont like how u r then thats them just make sure u dont juge ppl on how they r bfor jugeing look at ur self then u talk but tell then dont juge any body b happy u ur alive and with family and friends and alwas smail and b happy o and stop killing animals there humen just like we r so y kill them love them care for them aprished them there family to so dont kill them just save them not only did I vounteer at marcy hospial and mch and at shake a leg miami and worked with my cousin cure the world foundtion but I worked at tgifridays at dolphin mall and I worked with kids that r with speical needs thats called tmh I loved working with them as I was in high school thoses kids r cool nice and sweet and friendly with u so b happy at what u do bc im happy for every thing I do and have in life
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 17:21:39 +0000

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