I was called a fake today by someone, and while some people can, - TopicsExpress


I was called a fake today by someone, and while some people can, and will, choose to believe this, it is their choice. I am really quite okay with that. I have no hidden agenda, and you do not need to like me, or agree with my choices. Likewise, I do not plan to change my life, just because you may be uncomfortable with my world... So, just to be clear, once again, I have a few things to state on the record for those who feel the need to label and judge me: I am not a New Ager, nor am I a religionista, a politico partaker, and I dont follow a guru. I do not follow, or bow, to anyone, except the Creator of everything that is. I have my good and bad days, my ups and downs, and I wouldnt have it any other way. My truth is my truth, and if there is anything I follow, it is the natural laws of the universe. In addition, here is some more of my truth (so far), should anyone care to know: In this universe, I was born sovereign and free, and all the answers are within me, waiting to be understood as I am ready, just like YOU. I take responsibility for all of my actions, and I believe I need to take action to change this world, too. The time is NOW. I do not claim to be a God, but I am a goddess designed in co-creation with my Divine Creator, and I AM part of the One. I am infinite. We are all souls that have incarnated into a three-dimensional world of matter, and this world is NOT an illusion ~ though what we have created, as hu/mans is. We have turned this world into a cruel circus of slavery, yet there is still an overwhelming amount of beauty and goodness, because many people choose to think like me and many more are awakening to the truth. My choices are my choice, and I choose to resist what the world wants me to be. Instead, I choose to be ME, honest, sometimes raw, but as real as can be, and continuously seeking the truth. You see, I am now at the point that I know the Truth is on my side and the Light will illuminate me, as I consciously ask the questions and aspire to be aware of everything I can, which I always do. Please, before you judge me, seek the same, and then you will know what I mean by all of this. In Love, Truth, Light, and Bliss _(
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 21:21:10 +0000

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