I was challenged by a friend, Lucas Bensley, to list 10 books that - TopicsExpress


I was challenged by a friend, Lucas Bensley, to list 10 books that have most influenced me. Here they are, as follows: 1.Frankenstein, Mary Shelly It was a much darker read than I was used to at the time. Shellys style of portraying multiple stories within stories was unique and creative and created a type of mirroring effect on the reader. I appreciated how the book highlighted the enjoyment of simple things like good health, a sound mind, and family while demonstrating the consequences of trying to play God and focusing on your carrier and glory in achievement. The novel held many layers of complexity including subjects of consequence, lifestyles, and your own existence. 2.Brave New World, Aldous Huxley This book employs a bit of a double entendre in that it shows a world where people are objectively happy and comfortable but ultimately feeble, infantile and lack true freedom. The results often come off as grotesque when people are controlled by what they love and various psychological processes which leads one to question what kind of utopia to look forward to. 3.Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad At first this book has a slow pace but intensifies rather quickly. Conrad shows the failings and prejudices. of European Imperialism and the main character wasnt exactly a saint either. This gave me a perspective of this time period and historical phenomena which was very gritty and realistic 4.Enders Game, Orson Scott Card This was a birthday gift from a good friend of mine for which I am very grateful. While staying true to its main plot, it encompasses so many different aspects from war to religion, adolescence, social status, technology, loneliness, and companionship. Of course this on my top list of Science fiction novels with a killer ending. It was both an entertaining and thoughtful read. 5.Shadow of The Hedgemon, Orson Scott Card An astounding and complex follow up to Enders Game. While its a close rival to the intellectual complexity of its predecessor, it focuses on the fragile nature of states and peace time but also manages to be an extremely personal story through a character with whom finds difficulty making personal connections. 6.Night, Eli Weisel Weisel gives a firsthand account of his experience at a concentration camp during the Holocaust. It provided me with a vivid anecdotal account of one of the worst crimes in human history. He describes the hunger, humiliation, dehumanization, and grief he experienced. It showed me the horror of hatred and violation of basic human rights. 7.Ferinheight 451, Ray Bradbury This in my view shows a struggle for intellectual survival in a world where intelligence is deemed as dangerous and people are controlled by their ignorance. It reminds me how information is now being condensed into easily digestible bits and the freedom to read represents our freedom to share thoughts. 8.The Awakening, Kate Chopin While this was not my favorite read, it was influential and one of my first introductions to feminist literature. It showed how women are often undervalued in a male dominated culture and in spite of my gender difference, I was able to identify with the main character. 9.The Dragon Keeper This book is not terribly complex but thats part of why its on the list. Its a favorite from my childhood and captures a good deal of mysticism and adventure the rekindles my imagination. Its an adventure and spiritual journey where the character discovers her potential as well as her purpose and identity. 10.Summer for the Gods:The Scopes Trial and Americas Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion, Edward J. Larson I began to fall in love with both historical studies and judicial processes while reading this book. As the title suggests it talks about an instance of a real ongoing debate in American politics between science and religion and shows how the public responds to social issues. I also gained a greater appreciation for the freedom we have to challenge the laws we feel unjust. In short, these are the most influential books in my life. I will tag 10 of my friends in the comment below to do the same, if they have not already
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 21:08:40 +0000

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