I was challenged the other week by my sister, Maggie Powell, to - TopicsExpress


I was challenged the other week by my sister, Maggie Powell, to list the ten books that have changed my life. I will also place series of books as one book. In order of importance, the last book being the most life changing, here we go. The Lord of the Rings series, including The Hobbit Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel (this was the second book I ever read, and I loved it as a child. I read it constantly, and had to have multiple copies because it was so worn out) The Odyssey Enders Game series (The movie did not do the book justice, because the entire Ender series is an incredible story of strength, self discovery and wonder) The Red Badge of Courage The Harry Potter Series, favorite book is the Order of the Phoenix. A Wrinkle in Time, and the rest of Madeline Lengels series. These books were incredibly formative, and provided an escape for me whenever I was lonely and sad as a kid. Great writing, amazingly deep characters. Awesome stuff. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier (Remember the children being pressed into service in Africa for the fighting between the Nationalists and the Rebels? No? Thats because there wasnt a ton of media coverage for this incredible atrocity. Read this, and educate yourself. We live in a global society and need to know the world around us) The Bible (yes, that is a choice for me. I love the stories, I love the messages, I dont love extremists. If you need a favorite Book, my choice is Revelations, the letters to Corinthians, or the letters to Timothy. Amazing stuff.) They Poured Fire On Us From The Sky. This book sparked a giant non-profit enterprise, which established my identity for all of High school and beyond, and is the reason why I want to work for non-profits and Community Action Agencies for the rest of my life. It was the first book I read after hearing Fidele speak, because I had to know more, and from this research and passion came the Pickle Jar Project. This book gets the number one spot because it opened my eyes and made me realize that I have power, and can make something of my life for the good of others. These books made me who I am today. They sparked in me a desire to change the world, to see new things, to explore my surroundings, to educate myself and to be a better person. They made me laugh, they made me cry, they made me scared, but most of all they made me think and believe in something greater than myself, something that mattered (with the exception of Mike Mulligan, I include that one because it was simply an awesome story). I now nominate a bunch of people, simply because I do not know who has already been nominated: Boris VanDruff, Kaitlin Harvey, Joe Fagan Bryan Legere Tim Braunscheidel Kristen Lanski Mike Couche. I really want to know what you guys have read and where you might place some of the same books as me!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:53:55 +0000

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