I was charged by my friend Louise to post 10 random tidbits about - TopicsExpress


I was charged by my friend Louise to post 10 random tidbits about myself here. As she tagged 5 friends, so shall I. Without further ado... 1. I have a rich family heritage. From my preacher/missionary grandfather, civic leader other grandfather, civic leader step-grandfather, war veteran brother, uncles and aunts whove all influenced and helped many in unimaginable ways. Most of these traits were funneled to me through my pop, whos been philanthropic in his own right. This is where my value system comes from. 2. I go to 12-step meetings and have been clean for a good while. The growth process of step-work has rejuvenated a spirit I had always misunderstood. I was a mess. Just trust me on that.Not so much anymore. 3. Ive had several really positive relationships with some beautiful people. My lack of long term success in that particular area is primarily regarding my understanding of myself and choices I made related to that misunderstanding. I really have no hard feelings regarding past connections and still chat, occasionally with several former flames. Im open to the possibility of connecting with someone, but neither pursuing nor in a hurry. 4. I played baseball growing up and was a pretty good athlete in that regard. Now, Im a golf junkie. 5. I served in the Coast Guard for less than 2 years. I dont refer to that time very frequently, as that was when my chemical abuse was the most prevalent. I was kicked out because of the abuse. Im not ashamed of that time, because, well, it takes what it takes and my clean/recovery journey began the day before my official release date. The reason I never post a pic or talk about it is because I believe its disrespectful to those who fulfilled their service commitment. 6. Places. The most beautiful place, visually, Ive ever been is Cozumel, Mexico. The people I was with didnt hurt, either. Spiritually, I have 2 favorite places; Dads (home) and the Redwood Lodge. Outside of that, I love love love being by the water. It soothes me. 7. Im an emotional being. I think when I was younger, I didnt know how to deal with that. Its visible in my posts. Its prevalent in my song-writing. Its part of my makeup. I like it most of the time. However, I am generally not dramatic. I can feel things without reacting and taking hostages in the moment. 8. Music. So much of my world throughout my life. Hard to believe I put it down for years. In 1 I discussed my heritage and what those people did, how they contributed to their worlds. This is my gift from my God, and my tool, I believe, to pretty up the part of the world Im exposed to. I take that as a responsibility and am grateful. We put on a good show, so you should come see it sometime. :) 9. If you only know me on farcebook, I think you get an accurate representation of who I am. 10. Random sounds and smells that have meaning...dads coffee maker(sound and smell), moms mashed potatoes, smell of fresh cut fairway grass, waves lapping up on the shore, Alan/Jesse/Jim tuning their guitar, Ladies and gentlemen, BrokenToys!, are you guys playing tonight?, a Pepsi opening at Ed & Adas, Sadies bark, Chris Cornells anguish in Sunshower, Steven Tylers glee in Train kept a rollin live, the national anthem @ American Airlines arena in Dallas during hockey season, suntan lotion/oil, the sound of appreciative fans showing their love, the sounds and smell of a thunderstorm. A freshly lit Macanudo. Well, thats my 10. Be sure to notice that neither boobs nor booty are anywhere to be found. :p Whomever gets tagged, and I havent decided yet, has no parameters except 10 random things about yourself. Go deep or dont. Happy Tuesday de Taco!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 10:59:12 +0000

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