(I was commenting on Danielle Garrison shared post) what you know - TopicsExpress


(I was commenting on Danielle Garrison shared post) what you know about Islam? WHy you shared this post? .Here the speaker is talking the they are marching against radical Islam mean they are planning to kill millions of Muslims again on the name of Radical Islam. There is no Radical Islam. Islam is simple Islam.WHo teaches Peace love harmony and Unity.You should actually have to think about Islam before sharing posts against Islam. First I also think that Americans, europeans and christians are bad.They are barbers.They kill everyone in their way.They are nastly, dirty and hateable.But then i perform research and interaction with Americans and Europeans Now my Style of thinking is totally different.I love everyone and now i know that Zionists are controlling innocent westerns like Robots.I love you guys.I really admire your support and love for Palestine and Kashmir.Please think about the following sentences, ()Who save Jews when there lives were in danger after fall of spain? (2)Who killed Millions of Muslims in fake wars?. (3) Most people says that Islam spread because of sword? do you really think that less than 50,00,000 people from Arabic did this only in a century. Please check the aspects and reasons why people of the lands conquered by Muslims accept Islam instead of following and sharing this sword sentence like Robots. (4)What you think who were the looters? Muslims from Arabia or Christians from Europe? (5) WHo were the Murderers Muslims from Arabia(no Historian can say that Muslims perform genocide either in there golden age or age of demise) or from Europe who were Robots of Pops and Cardinals? . (6) Who killed Millions of Muslims when King Richard (the Great) had conquered Jerusalem and who had forgave Millions of Christians and Jews when King Saladin(in west) and Sala-hud-din Ayubbi ( in East) had conquered the Holy Land of Palestine and he also give the permission to Non Muslims that they can live in Palestine after paying a little money for their Security called Jaziya. (7) Who developed the old literature, scientific facts and other scientific knowledge of Greece. (8) Muslims were the best and the most civilized people and they are now as well who have complete system of drainage , cleanliness, health, Universities(University in Morocco and Egypt were the worlds most first universities) and Education system. (8) Modern science is also proving that the acts in daily life mean how to eat, How to behave, how to talk , how to drink, how to educate, which meat is best and how to behave with justice, how to love mankind, how to behave in wars and peace.How to behave with girls and women with respect and honor. Mean every aspect of human life is performed by Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Please woke up.Woke up.i can tell more than 50 places of Muslim Genocide by Non Muslims Directly or in directly. Please.Please :( . When Islam was ruling the World, Islam always protect the rights of Muslims and Non Muslim people, they were equal in the eyes of Islamic Justice. You should develop the sense of Judging and thinking instead of watching and sharing. You can read the books of non-bigot writers on Muslims and the rule of Muslims.Shame on those who are just watching and sharing Islam against videos like robots instead of researching and judging things.Please wake up  :) .Please share my words as well and this post.I shall be very thankful to you for that Note If anyone want to say things bad in the Muslim reign.It will be higly appreciated .I will solve confusions in PM as well because i dont want my beloved to act like Robots.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:01:37 +0000

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