I was confronted again today by someone in my town who thinks I am - TopicsExpress


I was confronted again today by someone in my town who thinks I am crazy for supporting #freegaza and a #freepalestine. This very nice person tried to explain that Israel gave Gaza all the food,aide, services it needed but the Muslims are still barbarians and then asked if I had become a victim of propaganda. :) I am not a victim and neither is the nation of Israel. I am a climate activist/ earth advocate who gets involved in situations where resources are grossly misused and for three years before this I had a path of educating about the dangers of climate change, pesticides, and the importance of conserving fresh water. I also strongly support empowering women to become more active as leaders and scientist. The problem of Israel is compounded by religion, but I am now convinced it is not a religious war. I majored in media analysis at my University with a minor in philosophy. I was always a good student, on honor roll, involved in many extracurricular activities; specifically music, drama, and debate. I have strong friendships and have always felt deeply pained when I learn of injustice in the world. I was a successful computer technologist before turning to a career as an environmentalist . I am not crazy. I gave no attention to the situation in Israel/Palestine before 2014 because I thought it was purely an issue of religion and I dont involve myself in religious issues. I was wrong. I do know Israelis and many of my closest friends in America are Jewish. I was introduced to people in Palestine through a climate action group before Operation Protective Edge. I started asking around and doing my own research to support an earth advocacy issue and was shocked by what I found. Shortly after, the war started and my new friends began experiencing atrocities. I decided to monitor the situation myself via live stream feeds, chat rooms, and hours of reading articles. I started writing about what was happening and the amount of angry backlash I received stunned me. It has also galvanized me. I am not the victim of propaganda (anymore) I am educated. I wish I could respond in my daily life with articles and videos the way I can on Facebook. There are two sides to every issue, but there are also practical facts that remain consistent. I am trying to not post about Gaza as much anymore. My FB friends are awesome and tired of it, but today I just got to say one more time. END THE OCCUPATION!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 03:10:20 +0000

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