I was delighted to see Catherine Murphy TD using the information - TopicsExpress


I was delighted to see Catherine Murphy TD using the information from my investigation into how Denis OBrien was awarded the metering contract and how he magically managed to get the award even though GMC Sierra /Sierra GMC was not even a registered company at the time of tendering. The government cannot answer the questions posed by Catherine because I took it into the public domain months ago along with the proof (excerpts from the CRO, for instance) which was seen by thousands of people here on Facebook. Facebook subsequently made the post disappear at the request of an outside influence, no doubt. I eventually managed to get most of it back but needless to say there are many sections that didnt make it back, courtesy of Facebook! What makes this information even more scary is the fact I gave the information to several journalists that I personally know and they refused to even take it as far as their editors because they were afraid of the Denis legal machine that is being used to shut every journalist in the country,up and constantly threatening them with hellfire and brimstone if they print anything negative about him. So therefore I am going to print it on here again for the world to see because I have absolutely nothing to lose and because I know it is the truth, having researched and written the articles myself.. ************************* SITESERV, O2 AND DENIS OBRIEN... You Gotta Love the Cheek!! Right here we go with a bit of tongue in cheek in the first part but gets a little more serious in the second part when you see how the corruption made its presence felt... PART 1 Irish company Siteserv owed Anglo Irish Bank €150 million. Then Denis OBrien jumps off his executive jet which took off from his tax haven in Malta and buys Siteserv for €45 million in cash which is a full €105 million short of the debt owed by Siteserv. So how did Denis the very lucky friend of Enda and Michael and the other Michael of the 02 variety (Lowry) manage to buy Siteserv for a lot of Euros less than the debt? Well let me tell you how he did it... His mate and confidant is a man called Hugh Cooney who happened to be the Chairman of Siteserv and also happens to be the Chairman of Enterprise Ireland. Now the same Mr. Cooney also happens to to be on the Advisory Committee of the National Treasury Management Agency which is closely linked with our old friends NAMA! Surely good old Hugh didnt influence the sale of Siteserv to Denis over any other bidder? God forbid that would happen in Ireland in this day and age OH BUT WAIT there is a sting in the tail after all... A FRENCH company has now claimed it was denied the opportunity to make an offer for Siteserv…The Altrad group, which owns companies in the same areas of business as Siteserv, said at the weekend that it had been prepared to offer €60 million for the Irish firm. But it was effectively denied the opportunity because its representative was told the Irish group was not for sale. Now remember that Deniss purchase has left the taxpayer short of €105 million. This is a great deal for Denis and Irish Water and Denis jumps for joy knowing that he has stolen €105 million from you and I AND can now proceed with planning his purchase of Irish Water! Oh yeah, before I forget... The shareholders of Siteserv received €5 million of tax payers money in dividends for their shares even though the company was broke and under the care of NAMA... Money that rightfully belongs to the Irish taxpayer! Denis OBrien company purchased Siteserv and GMC/Sierra from IBRC (Anglo Irish Bank) for the paltry sum of €45 million when the true cost of what the loan owed by Site Serv / GMC Sierra was €150 million and therefore leaving the taxpayer with bill to pick up the balance of €105 million. Siteserv having been sold to Millington, which is an acquisition vehicle controlled by Denis OBrien. The installation of water meters is being thus implemented by GMC/Sierra Ltd, J Murphy & Sons Ltd, and Coffey Northumbrian Ltd. Sierra is part of the Siteserv Group) **************************** PART 2 1. 26th July 2013, Irish Water announced the appointment of GMC/Sierra as one of the main regional contractors engaged by Irish Water to manage the Meter installation Programme. BUT…GMC/Sierra (Company Number 530230) applied for registration as a NEW company with Denis OBrien as a director on the 11th of July 2013.The company was formally registered ON THE SAME DAY! From experience of many thousands, it always takes weeks to get formally registered and to receive the certificate stating that you can trade. 2. After a one day registration however, two weeks later GMC/Sierra were awarded the Irish Water contracts... HOW? GMC/Sierra was not even a limited company or in existence at that point yet was awarded a government contract to put in water meters. GMC/Sierra would have had to tender for the contract under EU law and would have had to tender documents INCLUDING A TAX CLEARANCE certificate - so how does a company that did not exist get a tax clearance certificate or produce insurance documents or any paperwork at all - get a contract? Is the Revenue complicit in this fraud or were they told what to do? 3. Denis OBrien bought the liquidated assets but not the name or debt therefore he had no choice but to start a new company with the same name but no legacy. Why have the mainstream media or other journalists not picked up on the anomaly? 4. Another operation trick they are pulling is a differential in the registered address they supplied to the Company Registration Office. Why are they doing this? Well the answer is apparently simple... They have two companies using a variation of the same name: GMC/Sierra Ltd and Sierra GMC Ltd. This trick is done in order to eventually make the holding company legally speaking (SIERRA / GMC LIMITED) an unlimited company so that it doesnt have to file accounts for interested parties to inspect! 1.GMC Group GMC House Millennium Business Park Cappagh Road Ballycoolin Dublin 11 2. GMC GROUP, GMC HOUSE, MILLENIUM BUSINESS PARK, BALLYCOOLIN, DUBLIN 15 3. G.M.C. HOUSE MILLENNIUM BUSINESS PARK CAPPAGH ROAD FINGLAS WEST DUBLIN 11 The bottom line is that GMC/ Sierra - Sierra/GMC was awarded a contract illegally by the Minister Phil Hogan AND The Department of the Environment! No ifs buts or anything else, it was corruption at the highest possible level and again involves Denis OBrien and Fine Gael Ministers and ex Ministers - for a 2nd time!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 22:36:42 +0000

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