I was diagnosed as bipolar years ago. A lot of people turn it into - TopicsExpress


I was diagnosed as bipolar years ago. A lot of people turn it into a joke but its not funny. The chemicals in your brain send you into a mood frenzy that you cant always control. There are times when I seriously dont know what the heck I should do when I have an episode. Its scary when you wake up loving your life and then 20 minutes later you would rather be 6ft under. You can be laughing at something and then suddenly become angry, or sad. I promise you, negativity makes it 10 times WORSE.! If you have someone or something in your life who causes you constant stress, heartache, or anger, youre not gonna make it. You wont be able to control it. It will get so much worse and you will burn a lot of bridges. Ive burned bridges with people I dont even know while fighting with ex friends, my ex boyfriend, trying to get back at him, and I dragged a lot of innocent bystanders into the mix thinking at the time that it didnt matter and then crying about it later because I just let my brain trick me again.! Thats normally how it goes down. If your meds arent working for you you need to find a constructive outlet because thats all you can do. Make sure that youre always doing something positive, hanging around people who are positive, and trying to think positive. Body building is my number one positive outlet in my life. I can workout with my daughter if I need to and that way spend time with her as well as kill my mood swings. If I feel a mood swing coming I hit the weight bench. Seeing my gains ALWAYS makes me feel better.lol And talking to someone who is understanding is another thing that you can do. You shouldnt be ashamed of who you are. The only perfect man who ever walked this earth was Christ. #NegativeEnergyOut #PositiveEnergyIn
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 08:25:06 +0000

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