I was discussing with a friend today and they asked me how I got - TopicsExpress


I was discussing with a friend today and they asked me how I got started with photography. It was 2009 just the turn before mom took ill and before I brought my Nikon D3100, I own a small Olympic pocket camera, I didnt know much of anything about photoshop or lightroom. My cousin Nate was interested in modeling and needed photos. So one day we set up on my roof with the pocket camera and took these images, I did all the styling and provided him with direction. Nate was basically a natural in front of the camera. Now what most people dont know about me is that Ive been into fashion since the age of five; from painting, drawing, playing with clay, dancing, acting, performing on stage, modeling and makeup, hair which I learned by cutting up my sister dolls her until my mom and sister allowed me to but curlers in their. I love it all, I done it all, being young and somewhat naive, and frighten, truly I didnt know if I was truly as good, I lacked confidence, scared to let people see the inner me, but you wouldnt know that if you seen my performance. I have no shame to my game now, and I admit Id messed up, got involved with the wrong crowd, you know, the one your mother basically told you to stay away from, but you didnt listen. In short I got in trouble which lead me to become Social worker, but I still stay with the arts and used what I knew and implemented my talents with my work, if you want you can read my bio in my FB about page. What Im trying to also say is never give up on you, let people put whatever labels they want on you, but know who you are, be content with you, embrace you, be worthy of you, it doesnt matter where you come from but what matters is where you want to go, stay focus, be passionate in what like to do, watch and observe the circle of people youre surrounded with. Believe you are made for greatness, be grounded, humble, be lifted, love you and be amazing! From where I started to where am at now,
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 23:51:43 +0000

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