I was doing my Devotional reading from a book titled MY Utmost For - TopicsExpress


I was doing my Devotional reading from a book titled MY Utmost For His Highest and it really hit home for me! Friday October 25, 2013 Submitting to Gods purpose: taken from 1 Corinthians 9:22; A Christian worker has to learn how to be Gods man or woman of great worth and excellence in the midst of a multitude of meager and worthless things. Never protest by saying, If only I were somewhere else! All of Gods people are ordinary people whop have been made extraordinary by the purpose He has given them. Unless we have the right purpose intellectual in our minds and lovingly in our hearts, we will very quickly be diverted from being useful to God. We are not workers for God by choice. Many people deliberately choose to be workers, but they have no purpose of Gods almighty grace or His mighty Word in them. Pauls whole heart, mind, and soul were consumed with the great purpose of what Jesus Christ came to do, and never lost sight of that one thing. We must continually confront ourselves with one central; fact---...Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2) I chose you... (John 15:16). Keep these words as a wonderful reminder in your theology. It is not that you have gotten God, but that he has gotten you. God is at work bending, breaking, molding, and and doing exactly as He chooses. And whyis He doing it? He is doing it for only one purpose---that He may be able to say, This is My man, and this is My woman. We have to be in Gods hand so that He can place others on the Rock, Jesus Christ, just as He has placed us. Never choose to be a worker, but once God has placed His call upon you, woe be to you if you turn aside...to the right or to the left... (Deuteronomy 28:14) He will do with you what He never did before His call came to you, and he will do with you what He is not doing with other people. Let Him have His way. I have, for a long time, sensed Gods calling me to be used of Him. I have been a vessel for Hi in the past, but, I wasnt done yet (Im a recovering Addict with 3 years, 16 weeks clean), and had to test the waters ONE MORE TIME! It seems as though I am now wandering in the desert because I veered to the left, when I shouldve gone straight, then I veered right trying to find my way back and got even further off track. But now, by the grace of God, not to mention the people He has brought into my life, I have a purpose, and direction for my life. If I can but be still and know that He is God and He will complete the work He started in me then all will be well! Things happen for a reason, and the reason they happen is for a purpose! I thank You God for Your mercies in my life, and the people, places, and things you bring to help me grow in knowledge, wisdom, and peace! Principles before personalities in all ways and all things is a practice of endurance, equipping me to be!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:37:42 +0000

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