I was driving on a VERY long car trip thinking about Google type - TopicsExpress


I was driving on a VERY long car trip thinking about Google type self-driving cars, fantasizing about how awesome it would be to take a nap. Then I noticed how easy license plates are to read and spot (intentionally so). Then I wondered if driverless cars will be recording license plates and building profiles based on system wide observations...from all the google-like cars....stuff like license plate JRT 543 only signals 43% of the time, has no issues passing on the right, and regularly exceeds the speed limit. Then I theorized these kinds of profiles of all the drivers around us would make any predictive system WAY better and WAY safer, and really leverage the power of a google car. (or rather the many google cars). Then I wondered if there would be auto-alerts for impaired drivers. Surely google would know if a car was weaving around, very drunk, about to kill somebody. Seems like that kind of action would be boldly flagged in the previously mentioned cars license plate history. Then I wondered if they have a moral responsibility to alert authorities. Does not taking action qualify as doing evil? If you can pretty easily save lots of lives, do you have to do it? If they knew a nuke was gonna fall on Roseburg Oregon, wouldnt they kind of have to tell somebody? Then I wondered if that was a good or a bad thing. Then I wondered, would all these cameras would be discoverable evidence in any crash scenarios. Whos at fault in an accident would be pretty cut and dried if there were a vehicle behind them recording their every move with 50 cameras and sensors. Or if they blew a stop sign or jumped a curb 5 minutes earlier. Discoverable for insurance companies? Then I wondered how many public camera/sensors there really are...and if putting 10 more per car is actually multiplying public surveillance on a massive level. Yes, were all carrying cameras in our pockets, but theyre not running or recording all the time...more like .01% of the time. One constant recording camera on a car has got to be worth like 500 people with cell phones (see Russian dash-cams). Then I wondered if Google would be cooperating with the authorities on all these requests (they sure seem to have so far). Then I thought that 1984 will not kick down our doors and collar us. We will answer the door, invite it in, make it breakfast, a second cup of coffee, sing its praises and friend it on Facebook after it mows our lawn and does our laundry, and then be really freaked out when its still hanging around for dinner, and cry to high heaven when its still there the next morning. And then I returned to fantasizing about the nap that Id love to take, and wondering how long I had to wait until I could buy one of these miracle nap devices.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:20:49 +0000

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