I was eight months pregnant, and I was struggling to bend down and - TopicsExpress


I was eight months pregnant, and I was struggling to bend down and put on my own shoes. So he knelt down, kissed my feet, put my shoes on for me and tied the laces. Then we left the house, all without him saying a word. Amr. He never said to me begrudgingly remember how well I took care of you? or what will you give me in return for me doing you this favour? That wouldnt be love. Love isnt empty grand gestures or keeping score on who wins which arguments. It is a quiet mercy, a steady stream of empathy and compassion. It is the ability to seamlessly be yourself while simultaneously being the person your partner needs you to be at any given moment. Amr taught me that love is many things, and above all, that love and mercy is from Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: God divided mercy into 100 parts, out of which he retained 99 parts with Him, and sent down one part to earth. From this one part emanates all the compassion that all of creation exercises toward one another, so much so that an animal lifts its hoof above its young lest it should get hurt. Every ounce of overwhelming love and mercy that Amr had on me and our daughter is a manifestation of just one of the parts of mercy that Allah (swt) sent down to earth. How then could I ever despair of the mercy of Allah (swt), who has kept with Himself 99? via @Asma `Hussain`
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 05:06:25 +0000

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