I was finally able to start reading a newly released book by John - TopicsExpress


I was finally able to start reading a newly released book by John Macarthur this morning. The book is titled “The Upper Room,” and it is a practical and devotional exposition of the upper room discourse, with parting promises for troubled hearts. So after I saved a few shekels I was able to purchase it yesterday and this morning after reading the introduction, I was automatically paused by this comment he wrote in the very first page of the very first chapter. Speaking of our culture he writes; “The current gauge of self-worth is the number of followers you have on your Facebook page or your Twitter feed, and no detail of life is too mundane or too trivial to be shared with the world via these ubiquitous Internet social media. Obsession with oneself is not only deemed acceptable nowadays; it is considered normal behavior. Our culture has made pride a virtue and humility a weakness.” Boy, John was spot on with that comment. You know, an outstanding quality of the way it should be is pictured in the life of Christ and in His amazing humility from birth to death. Why would anyone come from so high to descend so low - why would anyone suffer what He suffered – why would anyone endure the cruel cross – how could anyone love so unconditionally - the Bible says it was for you and for me. And by the way He wants us to love and live humbly in His sight and He will exalt us in due time. (Philippians 2) tells us that He “emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. “Oh what a Savior!” ...Just Thinking Out Loud – In Christ Alone bro. fred – sola scriptura
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:18:32 +0000

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