I was four when he was born. I dont exactly remember mom or dad - TopicsExpress


I was four when he was born. I dont exactly remember mom or dad telling me that mom was going to have a baby, but I do remember understanding that I was getting a new baby sister! Now, Mom will tell you that she said it could be a new brother or a new sister, and true to character, I probably heard what I wanted. As with any notion, I usually imagine what it will be like when I am about to receive something that I want. At 4, I had my new sisters looks and personality all picked out. I imagined that she would do anything I requested. I imagined that since I was first, I would remain the center of everyones world, and my new sister would understand this and let it be. Mom called me from the hospital when she had the baby. Hi Mommy! I said, Did you get your baby out? She said that she had indeed. I was overjoyed! Then it suddenly dawned on me. Wasnt there a possibility that I could have a brother? No...my own mother wouldnt do something like that to me. To be sure, I asked; Is it a Kelly LaNette? Mom replied, No, its a Christopher Alan. DECEIVED! I protested! Take it back, I wanted a Kelly LaNette! Mom convinced me that I would like this...Christopher Alan. Boy was SHE wrong. He didnt look ANYTHING like what I have decided. He got ALL the attention. When he started crawling, he would go in MY ROOM! When he started walking, he would KICK MY DOOR! He ate CAT FOOD! He couldnt say my name! He snored! He was an Open Mouth Breather! AND - He liked me...he actually loved me. He watched for me to come home from school every single day from the window, and would exclaim, Beh! when he saw me. He would share anything with me...even if I didnt share with him. He kept my secrets. He was my sidekick when we played outside. He helped me try to find Narnia when we played in the hills. Wed sleep in each others rooms on dark and stormy nights. We passed funny notes through the walls of our trailer. We kept each other grounded through two divorces. It was an unspoken rule that if I wanted to beat him silly or say horrible things to him, that was fine, but if anyone else so much as sneezed in his direction, Id kill them. (That rule is still in effect) He became a father figure to my children - and to me. He guides his nieces and nephew as lovingly as if they were his own, and hes never steered me wrong. Hes my run-to. Hes who I consult if I need advice. He defends me. He stands with me. He has my back. We have hundreds of inside jokes. Hes my lifelong best friend. He is my Lil Bro. Looking back now, I cannot believe I ever wanted a Kelly LaNette, because I sincerely could not imagine my life would have been this blessed without a Christopher Alan. Happy Birthday, Bub. I love you, and Im glad God picked me to be your sister...even if I really stunk at it in the beginning.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 13:48:04 +0000

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