I was frustrated, disappointed, dumfounded, until I came into the - TopicsExpress


I was frustrated, disappointed, dumfounded, until I came into the house of Lord, then gained I understanding. Now I do not have a patent on relationship with God, I say this least any think I am saying I alone have the right/ unique access into this experience. But what is intended is—I could not for the world, understand how no one was responding to my posts. I thought on it, pondered it again and again over the weeks. And as such I wish to state the following. When one’s commitment to denominational origins/ structures override ability to theologically listen or even, more seriously, override our relationship with God (although to some this may sound ludicrous). When this occurs, any consideration, argument or deliberation that challenges us is seen as the enemy and an affront to our religious piety and experience!! And as such it becomes unlikely it will be given any respect by just simple ear-time or thought! For we see this as an abandonment or a questioning of the relationship with God. If we engage at all, it is seen as treason or betrayal of God. But is this true, but more importantly is it relevant!! But the question remains, are they the same!!! Many, myself included have fallen into this quagmire. I have become aware of how easy it is to say my church is OK/ theologically sound/ remnant or just simply “me”—whatever brand that fits our theological pathology, it’s not us, it is other churches that need to step up to the plate, confess their errors, of drinking from the cup of Babylon. Said another way—the problem is not with us but with them—meaning other Christians etc. But do not the Jehovah Witnesses, Evangelicals, SDA’s, Catholics, Mormons etcetera, react in the same manner in relation to other denominations? Many may not wish to concur but we all suffer from the same malady. We all are blaming each other for one thing or the other! But isn’t it quite interesting that all claim to have been answered by God, have miracles among them, the blessings of God lavishly bestowed? How do you know which is right or which is genuine?!! Or perhaps, just perhaps, the better statement is that they are all right. Is God partial to some who call? Does he play favorites with His body— the Church? All persons—I don’t care what your label, once you accepted Jesus as your Saviour; you ARE a Christian and a part of the family of God. You don’t like that take it up with God who has called!!! IT IS WHEN WE HEAR GOD (HIMSELF) THAT FAITH KICKS IN!!!! We have difficulty hearing God, for many of us are trying to see ourselves/ our church/ our theological/ sociological underpinnings in Scripture!! We are trying to justify our denominational origins in order to discriminate, and as a result, the voice of God is preempted!! It has a hard time coming through in clarity to us! Now I wish to make it clear, this does not mean there is no need for structure and order, for support for this is in Holy Writ. But this is not the same thing as denominational origins for the sake of product differentiation!! So let me say in closing, in relation to my previous posts. There is treasure to be unearthed from the fertile field of the Sabbath Question! I said, there is value to the study of the Sabbath Question! I will continue to publish my thoughts. But just to prep you for my next post—there is a distinction to be made between entering Sabbath Rest and the keeping of the Seventh-Day Sabbath. The writer of the book of Hebrews is clear on this! Many entered Sabbath rest (sabbatismos Heb: 4:9) and just to juxtapose another idea form Galatians Chapter 3, even before the giving of the Law!! What does it mean to enter into rest my brother and sisters, what does the writer of Hebrews mean by “entering into rest”?! Let Scripture speak for itself, do not try to reinterpret based on what you were taught –by trying to make assumptions or proof-texting. It says “before the giving of the law”, what is this rest, that so many entered into before the giving of the law after the giving of the law and in the New Testament period, the middle ages the 20thcentury and today!! Until next time god’s blessings on you all! In His Grace Impartial Thinker
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 14:18:12 +0000

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