I was given #6 (thank you Michelle) so here are some things you - TopicsExpress


I was given #6 (thank you Michelle) so here are some things you may not know about me. Like this status & I will provide you with a number to do the same. 1. When I was 5 I had my own alarm clock to get myself up, dressed & fed for kindergarten. I was also left alone at night to get myself to bed because my mom (who raised me alone) had a night job. I did have a sitter during the day, but after age 5 I took care of myself. I attribute my extreme independence to this. And when my own son entered kindergarten I couldnt fathom subjecting him to that. 2. I attended 14 different schools K-12. Five were during 2nd grade due to my maternal grandmother dying of cancer. No reason for moving around so much other than my mothers various idiot boyfriends. I had no significant father figure growing up & found the men my mother chose annoying & worthless. Its kind of amazing that I managed to find a guy I find worthy of being married to for 18 years.... They do exist!! ;-) 3. I was raised alone, but I have 2 half brothers from my dad. One of the brothers I dont consider just half. But, having been raised alone I have great difficulty sharing or loaning anything to anyone. My husband has helped me a bit with this, but its like pulling teeth with me. I also have difficulty being around large groups of people & prefer being alone. 4. I drove long-haul truck for 8 1/2 years with my husband & 2 cats. I loved it because I love to drive. Ive been to or through all but 3 of the 48 contiguous states. The exceptions being Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont. Ive also been to Alberta & British Columbia. We had to quit for good after my husband was injured during his last deployment to Iraq in 2007. 5. I loathe drama & confrontation. I just dont see the point. I do believe in standing up for what you believe in if you can back up your beliefs . I will not put you down even if I do not share your beliefs....unless you are obnoxious about them. Then we may have issues. 6. I have a natural talent for calligraphy. This wasnt discovered until I moved up here to Spokane from Boise in 1984. It was a fluke that I took an elective class called Lettering my Sophomore year at John R. Rogers HS. I impressed my teacher so much that she had me letter the awards given out at the end of the school year. Remember, this was long before computers were used to print out these things & basically killed the art of calligraphy. I still enjoy writing in calligraphy & refuse to allow a computer to do it for me.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:45:05 +0000

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