I was given the number 10. 1. I love Jesus and have been - TopicsExpress


I was given the number 10. 1. I love Jesus and have been blessed with not one, but two supernatural physical healing experiences. Both my sons have had this experience as well. Blessed assurance has special meaning for me as I have had experiences which make it impossible for me to doubt the existence and power of my God. 2. My mother always wanted to play the piano, so when I was 4 or 5, I started taking lessons with a little old lady who had a closet full of toys. She had a tricky system that let me choose a toy from the closet after I had passed 100 songs - I just never knew it was 100 because she counted it 1/1 until I reached 10/10. I studied with her until she passed away when I was 14. Ive been playing piano ever since. 3. I have never met a potato I didnt like (according to my husband Phil). Its true - I really like potato anything. 4. I am from Iowa and miss the snow. It doesnt feel cold to me here in W TN. I havent worn a coat in winter for over 15 years unless the temps dip to under 20 degrees, which rarely happens. 5. Becoming a foreign language teacher was never a plan or a goal. It happened entirely by accident. I originally majored in vocal music, but I really didnt want to teach it. I didnt know what I wanted to teach, but I was taking French and ended up with enough hours to be a French teacher. I became a Spanish teacher because a custodian told me he had been snooping in the superintendents waste basket, and he knew they wanted to add Spanish. Did I have my certification? No, I didnt, but I went back and took a few more classes and became the French and Spanish teacher. I also did an undergraduate major in a Speech -oral interpretation (basically a major in reading aloud) and have a certification in English, and am certified to teach 7-12 Vocal Music in Iowa (and did actually teach vocal music for a while). Im a teacher at heart more than a lover of particular subject area. It doesnt matter what I teach, teaching comes first for me and the subject matter second. 6. I love Paris, France, and feel at home when Im there. 7. I am a Hawkeye Fan, but I never went to the University of Iowa. My father wouldnt let me as he thought it was an extremely wild place in the 70s. He told me I could go to any college I wanted to EXCEPT Iowa. I never wanted to go there, so it was no problem. I have attended University of Northern Iowa, Iowa State, and Drake University. Maybe some day Ill take an online course from Iowa, just because. 8. I had my first child at age 35 and found my first gray hair the same day I learned I was pregnant. 9. When my boys were born, my husband Phil told me that it was a custom in his family to have a second middle that was a family last name. He asked me what my familys last names were so we could use one. Unfortunately, my familys last names just dont work as middle names. I couldnt bring myself to give either of my boys the middle names of Zielske, Gaubatz, Schwalm, Eckhoff, or Gottleib, so they both ended up with Phils family name of Davis. (My family is German and came from the East Friesland area of Germany, as well as what was known as West Pomerania and the former Yugoslavia.) 10. I love to sing and when I was a young girl, I used to sit on the fence and entertain the cows on our farm with my vocal stylings. I would look them in the eye and when they looked back at me and mooed, I took it as a sign of approval and their way of giving applause. :)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 17:35:12 +0000

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