I was given the number 6.5 or 7 by Sherrill Reichenbach. So here - TopicsExpress


I was given the number 6.5 or 7 by Sherrill Reichenbach. So here are 6.5 or 7 things that you might not know about me.... 1.In addition to my musical pursuits, I have worked as a cook, warehouseman, woodcutter, farmer, landscaper, bus driver, antique car restorer, roofer, construction, teachers aid for behaviorally challenged kids, job coach for the developmentally disabled, rural newspaper deliverer, pro audio salesman, and manager at RadioShack. I owned a music store (most of you probably know that....). I am currently a freelance A+ certified systems analyst and also do web design and some graphic arts.... In the music field in addition to playing the guitar I have also been a front of house engineer, recording engineer, producer, stage hand, guitar tech and backline tech. 2. I am a high school drop out. Went back and got my GED in 1980 and dabbled with electrical engineering, something that had always had my interest.... 3. I have seen a UFO. It was in New Hampshire in the fall of 1978. I was with two friends. It was moving across the sky across our path. We noticed it and stopped, it stopped as well. It was large, twice the size of a 747 and about a mile away. We watched it for 15-20 minutes (maybe it was watching us too...) It was like nothing I had seen before or since and could not have been any kind of known aircraft. It really creeped us out and I still get chills thinking about it.... 4. At one time I studied to be an Astrologer. This was back in the days when all the calculations and charting had to be done by hand... I believe that there is something to it, though not in the way that is commonly expressed...Around the same time I studied the Tarot... 5. I have held public office. I was on the local school board for 4 or 5 years and eventually (much to my chagrin) was elected chariman.... One of the more castrating experiences of my life... 6. Though I am now a Blues/Roots musician at one time I was a Punk/ New Waver. In the 90s the time for that music had pretty much come and gone and I just couldnt get into the watered-downness of Alternative. Besides, playing New Wave at 44 just didnt seem sincere so I went back to where I started, with the Blues.... 6.5 This is related to 6... No matter what kind of music I was into I almost always had a Blues band on the side... 7. I love to cook and I love good food.... If you like this I will assign you a number....
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 19:13:01 +0000

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