I was given the number 7 or 8.... not sure??... Here are a few - TopicsExpress


I was given the number 7 or 8.... not sure??... Here are a few things you may or may not know about me.... 1. I was car jacked in 1996 with only 8 car payments left on my 1991 Mustang that I bought brand new… 2. Born and raised on the east side of Detroit till I was 28 years old, (except for a few years in ALGONAC… where I met some pretty fantastic people)…. then I bought a house in Roseville…(The suburbs)…lol…. Can’t take the city out of the girl… 3. I believe having Alec saved my life…. I thought I knew everything then!!!.. Only wished I knew then what I know now… after I had him… I wasn’t afraid of anything…. 4. When I was 25 my jaws were wired shut for 13 weeks after jaw surgery. I was so skinny then… but am making up for it now…I had to do it after wearing braces for 7 years...yikes 5. I thought having back surgery would cure my aches… but little did I know, it was actually the beginning of one hell of a ride…going on 10 years now…..(Have a back ache right now).. 6. I have a pretty phenomenal family.. I am #3 of 4 amazing kids…(toot toot.. my own horn..) my parents are the “greatest” people I know….It took them 3 tries to create Perfection!!!…(3RD TIMES A CHARM…. 3 Strikes and you’re out)… that kinda thing… GO MOM AND DAD!!!! My sisters… Traci is truly Mother Teresa, Kelli is the funniest person I know, (they are WAY older than me though…you can definitely see it in their faces…wrinkles…eww and ouch.) and my baby brother can fix absolutely anything…. (Except stupid). 7. I love…love ….love working downtown in the Renaissance Center, and my job/boss is and are awesome… 8. I was engaged 1x but never married… (that was enough).. No hard feelings intended I can talk about myself all day...this was easier than I thought.... like my status... I need more likes than my sister Kelli....although she probably forgot what she said about me...(unkind things) cause she is old....
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:34:57 +0000

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