I was given the number 8 (much safer than 10. Thanks Laurie - TopicsExpress


I was given the number 8 (much safer than 10. Thanks Laurie Reider-Jabbar)! Here are 8 things not widely known about me. If you want to play, like my post and Ill give you a number. 1) I have a love of different cultures and travel which I got from watching The Amazing Race. I care deeply about human and civil rights without being a left wing looney as Wally George used to say. 2) As a result of 1 above and traveling I met my beautiful wife Olga who in addition to being my wife and mother of my kids is a veterinarian and all around smart person. 3) I continue to work and volunteer at the various UN War Crimes Tribunals in Africa and Asia which may or may not technically make me a former diplomat because I got to use the diplomats entrance. ha ha. 4) Coming out of high school I became very ill and went from about 170 pounds to about 115 pounds. I beat my illness and Ive also beat my top weight score. 5) I received a scholarship from the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation for my work with the former Assistant Director of the FBI and the Retired FBI Agents Association. 6) My wife is 11 years younger than me (it runs in the family right Justin?) 7) My kids names all start with the letter V (for Victory) and my oldest daughter Viata name is Cambodian. We like to say she was made in Cambodia with American and Ukrainian parts. 8) I have saved more than one life thru administering CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. Well, at least they were alive when they were put in the ambulance but that totally counts.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:11:38 +0000

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