I was given the numbers 6,412 so we have a LOT of work to do! 1. - TopicsExpress


I was given the numbers 6,412 so we have a LOT of work to do! 1. I was born in Lancaster, Ohio 2. I was 10lb 9oz… C-section? NO WAY! Go Mom! 3. I once dressed up like a dog for a series of VBS sketches. The kids were chanting the dogs name… I was very happy until I realized they were making fun. 4. I used to make donuts. 5. And YES, I got sick of everyone making the Time to make the donuts commercial reference. (Kids, you may have to Google that one) 6. McDonalds sausage breakfast burritos totally mess with my stomach 7. I totally eat McDonalds sausage breakfast burritos anyway. 8. Ive had a goatee for a decade… I believe Ill die with it. 9. I used to have long hair 10. And YES, I was a headbanger 11. I once married my sister. (And by that I mean I officiated her wedding) 12. I feel free to pass gas around someone who is fatter than me because Im pretty sure everyone will blame him first. 13. Ive never seen the movies Dirty Dancing OR Footloose (I know, Right?) 14. Ive seen the movie What About Bob? at least 200 times… seriously 15. Ive seen Lampoons Christmas Vacation at least as many times, because my Dad and I usually watch them back to back. 16. Ive been the Master of Ceremonies at at least 3 wedding receptions (but you can just call me Master). 17. I used to be a PC but then I started to use a MAC and the rest is history. 18. I hate going to the store and telling my wife my opinion of every shirt she tries on, but I pretend to not mind it. 19. I can type really fast and I enjoy typing fast in front of people who cant just to show off my awesomeness. 20. I used to not wear hats because none of them fit me right, but now I wear lots of hats cuz they suddenly fit... so either all of the hat makers in the world decided to enlarge their hats during production, or my head shrunk. 21. I play guitar, 22. I play bass, 23. I play drums, 24. I play piano, 25. I play mandolin, 26, I play ukulele, 27. I play harmonica, 28. I play dulcimer 29, And I play a little banjo 30. I hate listing the instruments I play because it makes me sound full of myself... 31. In fact I feel a little bit like a jerk now! 32. I am quite persnickety about lots of things, but I am not so about other things: for instance… 33. When doing dishes I have to do them in a particular order and that order is as follows; silverware, large plates, small plates, large bowls, small bowls, storage containers and then their lids, miscellaneous and finally pots and pans. If the lids to the pots and pans are the right shape Ill wash them with the large plates because they lean just fine, but some of them dont so they have to wait for that magical time between storage container lids and pots and pans known as miscellaneous. 34. When it comes to cola... ONLY COKE!!! 35. I can settle for RC but you can only find RC Cola in restaurants that have disgusting bathrooms. 36. When it comes to hand writing the date I prefer to use numbers for two reasons: I can never remember where the comma goes and I like using the / between the month day and year... it makes me feel powerful! 37. As I was growing up there were lots of things I dreamed of doing as a career and they are as follows: 38. script writer, 39. movie maker, 40. musician, 41. singer, 42. song writer, 43. producer, 44. graphic designer, 45. computer technician 46. and yes... professional wrestler 47. The good news is this: as a youth pastor I AM all of those things!!!! 48. I used to wear glasses but then I got contacts because it was cool to not have glasses, but then I stopped wearing contacts and went back to glasses because it would be cheaper for me... and as luck would have it it happens to be cool to wear glasses now! 49. Ive been to Las Vegas once and I was underage but I played some nickel slots for the free Cherry Coke. 50. I wear a thumb ring and people always say, Doesnt that feel weird on there? And I always have to reply, Well, at first it felt weird to be there, and now it feels weird when its not there. I guess I just got used to the annoyance. I told you all that to tell you that I think my wife says the same thing about me! 51. Im always motivated to eat healthy when Im not hungry. 52. If I could eat Japanese Steakhouse for lunch and Chipotle for dinner every day I would be overjoyed! 53. I never pick my nose when I know someone is looking... when people arent looking, however, I go to town!!! 54. Dont be grossed out by that last statement, because you know you do it too! I know that because I was looking! BWAHAHAHA! 55. I dont know a lot about one thing but I know enough about a lot of stuff to make myself dangerous. 56. I have chewed other peoples gum 57. I have eaten taco bell hot sauce on cake 58. I have eaten tarter sauce on cake 59. I have finished cheese dip at a Mexican restaurant from someone I didnt know 60. I have eaten something from the floor that was down there for more than 10 seconds. 61. When I apply the 10 second rule I usually count slow enough to make it possible for me to get the food from the floor, even if it takes me much longer than 10 seconds to get to it. 62. I have eaten 4 Beef Mexi-melts from taco bell knowing I was going to be in a car with people for a long period of time, just to gross them out. 63. I have NEVER passed gas and blamed someone else. (I take pride in my work) 64. I have never lit a fart on fire 65. But I would love to attempt it someday. 66. I have told my friends of their body odor just to be a bro 67. I would hope they would do the same for me. 68. I hate big events that include huge crowds. Unless they are there to see me, or unless I have some sort of special treatment that would get me out of parking, long lines and walking far. 69. If I follow a celebrity on Twitter I have a tendency of talking about them like they are my best friend. 70. I once got a year membership at a Gym so I wouldnt only go twice and never go again, and then I only went twice and never went again. 71. Remember when I had to dress up like a dog for a VBS? I love to use that as a reference to describe how ridiculous something is, for example: Stacking these boxes is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever had to do... and I once dressed up like a dog! See, it works like a charm! 72. I wouldnt consider myself an avid reader but I would consider myself an avid book haver. 73. I have never given a weggie to the point of the elastic band of the underwear ripping and being pulled over the persons head... on purpose! 74. I once made a kid cry by giving him a swirly. 75. Number 74 was the last swirly I ever gave. 76. Later that year I did put that same kid from number 74 in a trash can and roll him down a hill against his will. But he laughed about that, so it was cool! 77. I once kept a bag of chips to past its expiration date and the day after I ate them hoping it would be some hideous mutation... but they just tasted like chips. 78. I did the same thing to milk... and THAT was a hideous mutation!!! 79. I dont particularly like to drink milk with ice in it, but I do it just to make people say, Hey!!! You drink milk with ice in it?!?! 80. I have been in conversations that I want to, or need to get away from and so I cleverly inch away and say conversation ending things like, Welp and Aaaaalrighty. So I can tell when people are doing it to me, and when they do I purposely continue talking just to see what they do. No one has exploded yet... maybe someday! 81. Im stopping this list at number 81
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:46:49 +0000

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