I was going back and listening to David Wilkersons messages after - TopicsExpress


I was going back and listening to David Wilkersons messages after 9-11. Amazing message. Everything we do, every move we make, and every decision to be made must be made with this message in mind. It is the future. We have been given warnings from the spirit of God for years and only a handful of people I know have listened and have done what the Lord said. 9-11 was a warning and we knew it. Every Christian in touch with God knew it. Many of the unsaved knew and are still talking about it. And still....God has repeatedly warned and only a handful of people I know have responded to the words he has spoke. The church is still chasing after the next big thing but God is calling a broken and a humbled people who will respond and deliver the heart of the Father to those who are crying out for Him. Millions in the church still do not know who he is, but they desperately want to. There is a burning that cannot be quenched by the games, programs, and lifelessness in the church. Who will speak for God?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:41:46 +0000

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