I was going on Multan Road where a jeep had hit a bike..... two - TopicsExpress


I was going on Multan Road where a jeep had hit a bike..... two guys of ages 15/16 were in that jeep and whom they hit was a man of age 60. They hit and tried to run away from the spot. The old man was lying on the road.... I called 1122 to ask for ambulance n I immediately rushed my car towards that jeep to trace the number. Fortunately the tyre of that jeep was burst after accident so they parked hardly in service lane and I reached there..... They looked back at me, I stopped for a while when a thought came in my mind Asara! what if they have gun n fire you back? then I just got courage from my Creator Whos Only Authoritative to give n take life and I ran to chase them but unfortunately they disappeared in a fruit market nearby...... I came back to the spot where jeep was parked and called 15 and told the incident. All the police of nearby police stations came there, I reported the case, did all possible efforts, traced car registration details on internet and then rushed back to hospital where the victim was taken....... His daughter was crying badly and abusing those Hitlers. I tried to make her relax while she asked me who I am.... I told her all story.... Doctors gave him aid but suggested for CT scan as he had injuries on head/brain, arms, back, ribs and legs..... I took him to another hospital for that and did all certain efforts to serve for humanity..... In the end, all the people from police, media, victims relatives, doctors and my driver gave me Duas and thanked for saving a life..... I wrote all this, but why? Because I am sad to share with all of you that I succeeded to save only one life, unfortunately I couldnt save another life whom that same jeep guys had hit before hitting this old man. Yes! they had two different accidents from same jeep, from same speed, on same road, both victims were bikers, both were old men.... And the same rescue van carried both the victims. one is alive but the second died.... My question to the society! 1. Who provided jeep to those underage boys who were driving? 2. Hospital was nearby but people waited for rescue and didnt show courage to lift him n take to hospital. why? 3. All those men who were witnesses, why didnt they opened mouths in front of police? 4. Why police takes too much time to know under which police station this case comes? 5. Why nobody said to me, Beta! you go home we ll deal it because we are male and are meant to protect our daughters? 6. How those guys who had hit can sleep tonight and the nights ahead? 7. Will ever police take them in the court? 8. Where does humanity exists? Can anyone please suggest me to move? Please think for a while and be humble human. live for humanity and die for the same. I dont know how short or long my life is, I just wish that all of us act n react like humans. I just say sorry to all those whom I ever hurt. I just advice all those people who do something illegal that please stop doing this because you may run from here but not in the world hereafter. Please support humanity.....
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:22:03 +0000

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