I was going through my personal blog for a while & I came upon one - TopicsExpress


I was going through my personal blog for a while & I came upon one that I wrote on September 11th, of 2013, that I thought I would share or re-share with you #BiggestFighters. It was a blog on my Grateful List... My Grateful List! We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. How often do you pause to appreciate what you have in life? I ask this, because right now I dont even have a bed of my own. I sleep on my best friends couch because of what is nonsense that I have covered in previous blog posts between me, my siblings, and my own mother. I believe that when I was young, I took things for granted. I was raised with six other siblings and we came from an upper-middle class lifestyle. I took things for granted because, after all, I was young and I didnt know what life could possibly be like, let alone what it was like on the other side. In our America, one thing we can take for granted that some other countries wish they could is our education. This is a given to all Americans since we are required to attend school, or at least, be home schooled. I never thought about how lucky I was for my education until I look back at it. The older I became, I started to appreciate things more and more. In this last year, especially, it has taught me how appreciative I should have been back then compared to what I have to rely on now. I realize that all of the things Id been given were not rights, but they were privileges...my bed, having my own bedroom, living all by myself, having my entire independence, on and on. At the age of 36, I realize that being literate is not a right, but a gift. I realized there is a lot of war and violence in the world (just look at Libya in February of 2011 and look at Syria as I type this), and I am lucky to live in a country where it is safe and peaceful (for the most part). I realized there are people out there who dont have their five senses, and to have mine is a gift. I have always loved Nature and if anyone drove by my Victorian Mansion in Kansas, they could tell my entire fascination with Mother Nature. I realized that the world is beautiful, and we are lucky to live in such an amazing world. There are times it is easy to feel bad because we are going through a tough time in life. I mean look at my past twelve months, alone. On September 17th it will be exactly a year that I had to quit my job, move out of my apartment, become more dependent than be my independent self, and file for disability because of my diagnosis and limitations that force me to not to be able to work. Even going through everything I have gone through in the last twelve months, I have realized there are tens of thousands of things to be grateful for. 1. Our Lord Jesus Christ. He has always been there for me and He has supplied me with an endless amount of guidance and strength in this past year alone. I cannot thank our Lord enough for His presence in my life. 2. My friends-for being my companions in life and for being my life line as I battle my disability and all that they have all done in the last year for me. 3. For my senses-For letting me see the colors of life and to see how beautiful Nature is; for letting me hear the trickle of rain, the voices of our loved ones, and the harmonious chords of music; for letting me feel the texture of my clothes, the breeze of the wind, the hands of my loved ones; for letting me smell all of those amazing flowers, scented candles, and perfumes; for letting me savor the sweetness of fruits, the saltiness of seawater, the sourness of pickles, the bitterness of bitter gourd, and the spiciness of chili, on and on. 4. For allowing me the outlet to express myself as I wish too and as I am as a person of God. 5. My different and varying body parts-for pumping my blood to all the parts of my body; for letting me breathe so I can live; for letting me to fight viruses that enters my body; so I can type on my computer, flip the pages of books, or hold the hands of my loved ones; for letting me walk, run, swim, play sports, or curl up in the comfort of my seat even if my nerve damage has limited what I can participate in nowadays; for my ability to think, to store memories, and to create new solutions; for enabling me to do what I want to do and for what I am about to do in the future. 6. Medications-For letting me have the needed medications that I need to administer to myself for my different diagnosis. 7. Tears-for helping me express my deepest emotions. 8. Disappointment-so I know the things that matter the most to me. 9. Fears-so I know the opportunities for growth. 10. Pain-For me to become a stronger person. Pain-so I know when my body is hurting and aching from any of my diagnosis. 11. Feelings-for me to appreciate the spectrum of human emotions; for me to soak in the beauty of life. 12. The Sun and Sunset-for bringing in the light and for adding beauty to this world and for a beautiful sight to the end of the day. 13. The varying weather conditions-for the cooling when I am getting too warm and for making it comfy to sleep in on the weekends; for making winter even more beautiful; with snow for a beautiful sight to look forward to after rain (rainbows). 14. Technology and the Internet-for connecting me despite the physical space between me and those that I talk to and to get to know on the computer; for making it easier to commute from one place to another; for making it easy to stay in touch with others; for making our lives more effective and efficient; for making impossible things possible. 15. For my past jobs-for giving me a source of living and for being a medium where I can add value to the world; so I was able to learn and do different things in the workforce. 16. Music-My favorite hobby and the most favorite thing of mine is music. I have a deep passion and a deep sensation for music; for lifting my spirits when I am down and for filling my life with more love. 17. A roof over my head-for a place I can call a home; to be able to sleep comfortably in every night. 18. Past companionships and intimate relationships-for being the one who understands everything I am going through and to be there for me. 19. My enemies-for helping me uncover my blind spots so I can become a better person. 20. Complete strangers-another deep passion of mine is watching people and talking to complete strangers; for brightening up my days when I least expect it. 21. My mistakes-for helping me to improve and to become better in areas that need improvement. 22. Heartbreaks-for helping me mature and for helping me become a better person. 23. Laughter-for serenading my life with joy. 24. Love-for letting me feel what it means to truly be alive. 25. Lifes challenges-for helping me grow and to become who I am as a person. 26. Life-for giving me the chance to experience all that I am experiencing, and will be experiencing in the time to come; for letting me take part in Gods wonderful plan. 27. Me-for being who I am and for touching the world with my presence. For being alive and for being able to write this post. For giving me the chance to touch others and fulfill my purpose to help others. 28. My faith and spirituality-for letting me have the freedom to believe in what I want to believe in and so I am not forced (and no one in America is forced) to believe or not to believe in something; for allowing my spirituality to lead my life and be in my lifestyle without any interruptions. On this Christmas night of 2014 WHAT are YOU grateful for? Copyright. All Rights Reserved. My Grateful List, Sept. 11, 2013, @bennieswritingcafe.blogspot Posted by splaterBS at 7:44 September 11, 2013.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 01:02:21 +0000

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