I was going to do a series of chapters for a new book called - TopicsExpress


I was going to do a series of chapters for a new book called “Paying the Price,” but after I got the first few chapters done, but not put up here, it became clear to me through some comments on other blogs that newer writers don’t want to pay any price at all for making money with their writing. I see this in various writing groups I belong to. Authors who argue with you that their homemade cover and self-edited book is just fine and then complain about the lack of sales in the next post. They know theres a correlation but they just dont want to spend any money. So they argue with anyone who suggests they may want to try investing in their writing business and then, when they run out of excuses, they quit writing - because theres no money in it. Writing is a business. Like any business it needs start-up capital. Fortunately, it doesnt need a LOT of it. I paid around $500-$600 for the editing and cover of One Small Touch. I made that back pretty quick and every sale from now on is pure profit. Show me another business that can say that.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:35:34 +0000

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