I was going to end confessions of a play girl today but most of my - TopicsExpress


I was going to end confessions of a play girl today but most of my readers wants me to continue with the story. And guys please dont take anything Noxolo says personally its seriously not meant to offend anyone. Confessions of a play girl *insert 13* Okay maybe this wasnt such a good idea after all. My arm hurts and I am driving like one of those people who bribed traffic officials to get their license. I have been on this road for like 30 minutes now and I am not even halfway. I need to think of something else. I parked my car next to the road and I got out. Its 3 in the morning so really there werent that many cars around. Finally one car stopped and I explained my situation to the 3 guys who were in the car. Hahaha they couldnt believe that Tshidiso left me all by myself. The guys went on and on about what a jerk Tshidiso is. Of course I agree with them. How dare he leave me standing there all alone now my tampon was full and I urgently needed to change it. I kindly asked the guy to please drive my car to my flat and Ill gladly pay them for their trouble. This one guy Tshepo got out and he got inside my car. Eeeeh okay my whoremone were totally out of control by now. The guy is a rugby player and man is he fine. Shuuuuu I need some air. We finally arrived at my place and I told them Ill go and fetch my wallet so that I can pay them. Tshepo told me that wont be necessary but I could thank him by giving him my numbers seeing I am single and all. I gave them to him and he gave me a very long hug and kissed me on my forehead. Damnit I felt like a horny teenager. I opened the gate for him and I went to take a shower. It was a mission shem. Something tels me that I am screwed how am I going to cope with this arm. I really wish Tshidiso was here.When I was done taking a shower I went back to my room. It was already around 5 and I didnt feel like sleeping. So I put on my black leggings, black shirt and black coat. I also put on my black all stars and sunglasses. I almost forgot my scarf. I put on a scarf on top of my head and tried to hide my face. I took out my phone and I had a voice message from Tshidiso. He said he was sorry for leaving me all alone and that he hopes I arrived home safely. Nxe! Waiiiii I took my phone and keys and I left. I walked to Willows and I waited outside his flat. I stood next to a tree to make sure I wasnt visible. After like 30 minutes I saw him coming out of his flat holding hands with some girl. So this is why he wanted to end things with me. Nahana Tshidiso o nlahlela le kaap-naar. Its one thing to dump me because of my smoking but to break up with me bacause of some coloured chick from heidedal now thats low. We all know most coloureds have no home training whats so ever and most of them smoke so this is bullshit. If he thinks I am going to seat here and watch him make a fool out of me o nnyele.I am done playing agent 007 I am going to confront him. I walked towards him and I asked if this was the reason he dumped me? Look at her. Seriously Tshidiso most people know that we are a couple imagine what people are going to say when they see him walking with him. Like really where did he even find her? Tshidiso told me to stop acting like a maniac cause I was embarrassing him. I asked him why did he end our relationship? He told me he gave me his reason last night. And said that I should stop coming to his place. He said hell come to my place later to drop my keys and to take some of his clothes that were at my place. He then took the girls hand and he left me standing there.Wow now I feel stupid. Really did anyone see that girls hairstyle though. Where does she get styling gel in 2014? I pulled myself together and I left. I went to my place and I took out a bottle of whiskey and I a glass. I put some ice cubes into the glass and I poured the whiskey. I drank about four glasses then I put the bottle away. I sat down on the floor and I started crying. I just couldnt believe that its over. I cried for like 20 minutes then I fell asleep. I woke up around 12 and I went to freshen up. I changed my clothes. I wore my blue maxi dress and I put on my white all stars. I always look good in dresses shem.I put on some make up and I fixed my hair. When I was done I took out Tshidisos clothes from my wardrobe. I lay them on my bed not knowing what to do with them. I looked at my table and I saw a pair of scissors. I took the scissors and I started cutting his clothes. Lets see how he likes that. Damn I must admnit this feels good. When I was done cutting them I put them all inside a rubbish bag. I sat on my bed and I was now a bit hungry. I took a bowl and I poured myself some cereal. Tshidiso arrived while I was still eating. I told him I put all his belongings inside the plastic bag. He thanked me and said I looked good. I told him I had a date. He said that was fast. I told him the fastest way to get over a guy is to get under a new one. I told him to give me back my keys. He did and I opened the door for him. He wanted to give me a hug but I refused. He took his clothes and he walked away. I closed the door behind him and I started crying. . .
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:09:41 +0000

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