I was having a discussion about Angels Today with someone and - TopicsExpress


I was having a discussion about Angels Today with someone and narrated The Story of Prophet Mohammed when The Angel Gabriel commanded Him to READ and the person I was telling this to didnt believe that The Prophet couldnt read or write and How Amazing It Is The Way The Recitation Of The Quran Began ... Here Is The Story Im sharing as Im sure there are others who dont know how Amazing This Revelation Is ... MUHAMMAD AND THE ANGEL GABRIEL A MUSLIM STORY OF THE WAY IN WHICH THE QUR’AN WAS FIRST REVEALED TO MUHAMMAD. Key Ideas: Islam, obedience, awe and wonder Muhammad was a busy merchant in the city of Mecca. From time to time he liked to leave the city and walk into the hills where he could be alone and think clearly. He would spend time in the hills of Hira fasting, praying and pondering, trying to find answers to his questions about life. While he was there, his wife Khadija, would send him food. It was on a day towards the end of the month of Ramadan that Muhammad set off for the hills, and spent his time fasting and praying in his usual place. He was so involved with his thoughts, he did not notice the time passing. At the darkest time of the night, just before the dawn, he heard a voice. The voice grew louder and louder, it seemed to come from all directions. It filled the cave where he was sitting, but it also came from somewhere outside in the night - and from inside Muhammad himself. Muhammad looked around. Suddenly before him there was an angel, holding a cloth of green brocade. Some writing was embroidered on it. “Read,” said the angel. Muhammad was stunned. “I cannot read!” The angel squeezed Muhammad, and then released him. “Read” he commanded. “I cannot read” Muhammad said, a little louder this time. The angel squeezed him again, tighter than before. “Read. “I cannot read?” Muhammad said, even louder. He was now rather afraid of being squeezed again. “Read” said the angel “in the name of thy Lord who created man from a drop of blood: read in the name of the Almighty God who taught man the use of the pen and taught him what he knew not before...” Muhammad recited the verse after the angel, until he knew it perfectly, word for word. Then Muhammad looked afraid, and he was alone. The angel and the writing had gone. But the words stayed in his memory, and there was a strange sensation of having been squeezed very hard. Suddenly Muhammad felt worried. He began to panic. Was the cave haunted? Was he ill? Trembling, he stood up, left the cave, and began to walk, shakily, down the mountain path. He was very confused. Then a voice, the same voice, called to him: “Oh Muhammad! Truly you are the messenger of God. And I am his angel, Gabriel.” Muhammad looked up, and he saw the angel, like a human, but so enormous that his two feet straddled the horizon. For a moment, Muhammad was awe-struck. Then he tried to escape, but no matter which way he turned, the angel was there, filling the sky. Muhammad could go neither forwards nor back until Gabriel had disappeared from the sky as suddenly as he had appeared. Only then, slowly and just as dawn was breaking, did Muhammad make his way down the path, through the hills and back to his home in Mecca.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 01:35:22 +0000

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