I was having a hard time sleeping thinking about how strange the - TopicsExpress


I was having a hard time sleeping thinking about how strange the real world & Hollywood conspiracy connections are! Now I am definitely one to be into a good conspiracy no doubt, but you really need to look a little bit deeper when we point out these coincidences for sure. Now we will name a movie, or television show with the Hollywood connection, then name the dead actor, and then name the real life events that coincide with said movie/tv show & Actors... The Batman movie... Dead Actor... Heath Ledger (The Joker).. Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... The Batman Shooter James Holmes died his hair like the Joker, and shot people during the Midnight premiere of the Batman movie. The Real life shooting takes place in Aurora Colorado too, and guess what one of the buildings says in the movie? Aurora I shit you not! Also back in the day there was a Batman comic featuring an orange haired villain who, yep you guessed it, shoots up a movie theater believe it or not. Dont forget on that tragic night they also showed the preview of Gangster Squad in that theater where one of the scenes was of the Gangsters shooting up a movie theater through the movie screen at the attendees! I mean you cannot even make this stuff up folks! The Batman movie... Dead person... Prop Master Scott Getzinger... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence would be the Sandy Hook map in the Batman movie, and the Sandy Hook school shooting. Prop master Scott Getzinger who made the Sandy Hook map in the movie was killed in a car crash. Also in the movie right before the Football stadium blows up it shows a luxury box right near section 322. 322 is the secret number for the Secret club Skull & Bones. And if that wasnt strange enough Batman & Robin also made a quick appearance at the 2012 Olympics as well. Dont ask me why, but they were there! The Hunger Games... Dead Actor... Phillip Seymour Hoffman... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... Eliot Rodger son of Hunger Games Assistant Director Peter Rodger shoots, stabs, and runs people over with his car killing a bunch of people. Just a mere month before he goes on his rampage he starts to post videos to his Youtube channel about how upset he is that girls do not like him btw. The Family Guy... Dead Actor... Paul Walker/Brian in The Fast & Furious movies/ Brian Griffin (Family Guy family dog)... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... Just a few days before Paul Walker is killed in a tragic car accident, his character in F&F movie name is Brian, The Family Guy surprisingly kills off main character Brian Griffin (Family dog) also in a car accident. Some say that they could see Paul Walkers car get hit by a missile as well. Fast & Furious also happens to be a gun running program that Eric Holder & president Obama ran and they lost the guns ending up being involved with the murder of US Border Agent Brian Terry as well as dozens upon dozens of Mexican citizens as well. Oh and dont forget that they replace Brian on the show with Vinny... Vin Diesel of Fast & Furious fame anybody! WTF!!! The Family Guy... Dead Actor... Robin Williams... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... Robin Williams supposedly commits suicide. The Family Guy episode which features Robin in it is strangely enough is about suicide. The re run of the show was oddly enough being aired ion the BBC directly before the announcement of Robins death. The Family Guy... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... Dead people at the Boston Marathon... Just three (3) weeks before The Boston Marathon Bombings there were two separate scenes featuring with the event on one episode of The Family Guy. Peter Griffin wins the marathon by killing all the other participants of the race, and he also makes phone calls and detonates two different bombs as well! The Illuminati card game also shows a jogger wearing green clothing running in a marathon as well. Green for Boston/Celtics/Irish??? The Family Guy... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... Seth MacFarlane was supposed to be on the flight 11 on September 11th, 2001 but was supposedly drunk and missed the flight. Also his Travel agent told him the wrong time as well. So he had two excuses as to why he missed the flight! Sure buddy we believe you!!! The Simpsons... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... September 11th Attack 2001... In an episode of The Simpsons it clearly shows Bart holding a travel guide that shows the Twin Towers of NYC on it, and it says 9/11 on it including the $9 for the magazine & the two towers forming the 11. A clock in an episode also points to the 9, and the 11 on the dial as well. The Terminator... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... September 11th Attack 2001... In the movie about ten years before 9/11 it shows the camera going straight at two sewer underpasses and it clearly says Caution 9-11 at the top of the entrances. The two openings form the two towers of the Trade Center. The Matrix... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... Keanu Reeves character of Neos Birthday is September 11th. :-O Enemy of the State... Real Life Conspiracy/Coincidence... Gene Hackmans character Thomas Brian Reynolds Birthday is also September 11th believe it or not! :-O The strangest thing of all of this might be that the father of the Batman shooter James Holmes, Robert Holmes and the father of the Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza, Peter Lanza were both going to be testifying in the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world in 2012. At least I got this off of my chest for now as there are way too many coincidences for me to be confident that there is no conspiracy here at all. Not saying that each and every single one of these instances is a conspiracy, but Ill be damned if this stuff is not the strangest group of coincidences that I have ever witnessed myself!!! Sheesh!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:25:49 +0000

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