I was home in between projects when I got the call. My sister , - TopicsExpress


I was home in between projects when I got the call. My sister , Carol , on the other end of the line asking where we were and what were we doing? I told her we were home. She said that they had an Alpaca emergency and proceeded to tell me how Berta had delivered her baby but her uterus was prolapsed and the placenta was out and Bill needed help. We ran out the door and were there in a flash. He had everything that he needed, a plastic bag, gloves, water, and sugar. All he needed was more hands to help hold her still and comfort her while he tried to shrink the placenta w/ the sugar and place it back into her body. Who new? Sugar. I know salt shrinks and kills slugs in the garden but this was new to me. So Rick helped w/ the sugar and Bill held her and kept putting more on, while I held her head and talked to her. Meanwhile the baby is walking around just as cute as a button, totally clueless to her Moms condition. Kudos to Bill for his cool head and physicality to bend over for a long time and patience to slowly and gently put in first the first part and then the second section of her uterus. It was no easy feat and he did a great job. The sugar worked wonderfully and the whole process was fascinating to me. After we got it in it was very important to make sure it stayed that way for at least a few hours. Carol arrived and we put a pad on her and taped it around her body so it wouldnt fall back out and tare or she could bleed out. Soon after the vet arrived and she gave Berta something for the pain and antibiotics and stitched her up w/ the aid of Carol and Bill, and I just watched and talked to Berta and told her what a good girl she was and tried to help calm her. Here are the pics. The second one is gross if you are squeamish fast forward through . Theres a video at the end too.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 03:51:17 +0000

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