I was in a mild depression over the past weeks - too many - TopicsExpress


I was in a mild depression over the past weeks - too many challenges and problems to face and was frustrated with my own lack of discipline to stay focus. Then I came across two verses and a quote today that encourages me and helped me to stood strong: Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened do not be dismayed. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. The ultimate human freedom is the ability to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances. Viktor Frankl One of the most common mistakes that we make with our lives is allowing the conditions that we encounter to determine how we feel. Its common in children, and many of us carry that childhood response around all the rest of our lives. Why wouldnt we? For most of us, no one ever explained that we had a choice. Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychologist and a Jew who ended up in a brutal Nazi extermination camp. In those unbelievably desperate circumstances, he noticed the power of choice. Those who focused on the hopelessness of their condition died. Those few who survived had found some shred of purpose, meaning or hope to live for. The mere act of making that decision shifted the odds of survival. And out of that horrific experience came the insight that is contained in todays quote. Our attitude is not determined by our circumstances. It is a choice. It always was a choice, it always will be a choice. When confronted by adversity, say I will find the good, the gift in this. I know its there. And you will. Because it is. A joyful heart is good medicine; and all things work together for good... Yes! I have a choice not to dwell in negativism and sorrow; and can rejoice for I know the joy of the Lord is my strength; and I have a choice to choose a better attitude to face my circumstance. Rejoice!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:46:29 +0000

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