I was in line at the supermarket when I noticed a teenage girl in - TopicsExpress


I was in line at the supermarket when I noticed a teenage girl in the next cashier line next to me. She had a little baby with her.. maybe 8 months to 1 year old.... white blond hair.. big blue eyes.. bright reddish apple cheeks in a cute sunflower print dress. She was restless sitting in the shopping cart.. calling to her Mama who impatiently looked through her purse to pay the cashier. The little girl managed to grab onto her Mamas purse and pull out some things from inside and throw them on the floor. The young girl scrambled to pick everything up with pronounced annoyance.She finally took the baby in her arms, the two grocery bags and walked out the door. I was walking a few steps behind her when I saw the unthinkable happen.The bags were too heavy so she placed them on the floor and as she did this, the baby tipped over and began falling from her arms.. Just then, as her little head got close to hitting the ground and she barely had her upside down and by one foot...everyone near her hurriedly ran to this childs aid... grabbing at her little body to protect her from this horrible fall.I did the same and so did another Mama as we exchanged glances of absolute horror and surprise....The Mama grabbed the small child back into her firm grip as the baby wailed with fright and pain. I walked over to her and took the grocery bags and told her I would carry them for her. I looked into her frightened face and saw her lost and sad eyes... I saw the purple bruise on her face and neck and I saw the Anger of being alone and young in a cold.. disheartening Reality. Thats ok she told me... I need to walk far anyways... And continued walking. I watched for a second and called to her... I have a car, Mama! I can give you a ride anywhere You wish to go..Please, Mama...I said to her pointing to my parked old car. That is fine, Maam... Thank you! I am ok... she said placing the baby on her shoulders..grabbing a hold of the two grocery bags and walking on....I stood there and watched her walk away.. the little girl looking back at me with a terribly sad expression and hanging firmly to her Mamas neck. I stood there and watched as she disappeared around the corner and I could still feel her pain... her lost childhood.. her probable abuse at home.. her harshness and closed Self to the World. I sat in my car holding back my tears as my heart beat fast.. still shaken by the possible tragedy of that Little ones fall to the concrete ground head first....and I prayed for both of them and for ALL Mamas and Poppas on their own out there who struggle but Still.. are able to survive with Love and Strength.. I prayed for all of Us struggling and trying to See through this Moment in Time... We are all going through hard Times.. Severe Times.. Rough Times yet Know in your Heart that this will also pass. You will be Stronger..you will have more Faith and You will Truly KNOW what is the meaning of LOVE.. YOU are here to Learn .. Grow.. Teach and most of All Love with your entire BEing!!! Feel That! Know That! Guidance and Peace to all of You, Sweet Ones...❤️
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 00:59:47 +0000

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